first stop of the season in Rende

first stop of the season in Rende

First stop of the season for Angri Men’s Basketball. Coach Francesco Chiavazzo‘s boys lose 85-82 on the Sintegra Rende parquet, a challenge conducted for large stretches. Of note is Mastrototaro‘s absence for health reasons, which has restricted the rotations even further. Milojevic top scorer with 25 points, followed by Martinez’s 18.

The guests got off to a good start, with a break of 1-6 with Martinez and a positive Milojevic. The Condors have an excellent approach and extend their lead (5-12) with Borciu’s bomb. Rende, however, tries to get back up with Tartamella and Ballati, who close the score to 11-14. Milojevic is a factor under the boards and together with Martinez brings Angri to +9 (13-22). Ballati has a hot hand and always keeps his team on the waterline (20-26). At the end the grey-reds accelerate again with Milojevic’s triple, which makes Baquero’s baskets vain (20-27). In the second period the home team scored a 6-0 lead with Gatta, who hurt from 6.75 (26-27). The travelers cling to Milojevic, who continues his show (28-32). Then it is Bonanni who provides a new extension (28-36). Needless to say, Milojevic scores 32-40. However, even in this case, Rende doesn’t give up an inch and comes back with Ballati and Tartamella (37-40). At the end the revived Milojevic (19 in the first half) stops the score at 42-46, with which we return to the locker rooms.

When hostilities resume, Martinez makes himself heard again, with the torpedo of 42-49. The Argentine lights up and with him Borciu for 42-51. The latter still pierces the net from long range, but Baquero (48-53). Milojevic always sees the basket as a bathtub and pushes the locals away again (48-56). Rende confirms its compact formation and does not let the Campania players go away, thanks to the targets of De Angelis and Baquero (57-59). The Calabrians get up to -1, then Milojevic, with another triple, scores more than one full possession (62-66) before the final half. The efforts of the locals are rewarded by the centers of Gatta and Tartamella with 69 all. Martinez commits the fourth foul, but it is Enihe who takes the chestnuts out of the fire with the bomb to make it 69-72. Ballati’s reply is ready, drilling the retina with the same coin (72-72). The inertia thus falls into the hands of Rende, who puts his nose ahead with Gatta (77-73), forcing coach Chiavazzo to time out. De Angelis scores +6, with Borciu keeping his team afloat with the bomb of 79-76. Then a 2/2 from Granata, from the charity line, brings the game to a sprint finish. Free throws from Baquero and De Angelis put Rende ahead (83-78). Valle is keeping the Angrese hope alive, with the shot from beyond the arc for 83-81. We go with systematic fouls. Baquero is glacial, while Bonanni only scores 1 (85-83). The last attack has no effect on Angri, who has to surrender.

Sintegra Rende-Angri Basketball 85-82

Sintegra Rende: Gatta 16, Madrigrano ne, Montemurro ne, Lucadamo, Ginefra ne, Shvets, Ballati 12, Tartamella 15, Baquero 20, Guido 2, Morales, De Angelis 20. All. Carbone

Angri Basketball: Greco 2, Granata 6, Borciu 12, Enihe 6, Martinez 18, Valle 7, De Prisco ne, Bonanni 8, Borriello ne, Milojevic 25. All. Chiavazzo; Russo and Pisapia Association

Referees: Barbagallo and Mameli

Partial scores: 20-27, 42-46, 62-66





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