For a fan the international shock is triggered

For a fan the international shock is triggered

A young man had been found with a baseball bat and had been reported by the police. Now comes the commissioner’s order

LIVORNO — About a month ago, a patrol of the Carabinieri from the Operative and Radiomobile Unit of Livorno, on an external crime prevention service in general, stopped and subjected to an initiative check a young man from Livorno in his twenties in the locality of Stagno, while he was going to the stadium to attend the Italian Cup chairs D football match between the teams from Livorno and Grosseto.

During the activities the boy, also burdened by previous records, had shown a nervous attitude at times so much so that the police had also checked his vehicle.

Upon completion of the check, a wooden bat bearing the symbol of the Livorno football team, approximately 77 cm long, was found inside the passenger compartment of the car.

This element, also supported by the clothing of the boy, who on the occasion also wore the shirt of the corresponding sports club, left little room for misunderstanding regarding the potential use that he could make of the instrument.

Therefore, in addition to the seizure of the bat, the young man had been reported to the local Public Prosecutor’s Office for illegal possession of weapons, but the behaviour, beyond the criminal aspect, appeared anything but trivial and the police investigated the conduct socially also dangerous for the aspects connected to the issuance of an adequate prevention measure, reproducing every useful element for the attention of the competent Police Headquarters office.

At the end of the assessment of the social danger, and given that the young man had already previously been the recipient of an oral warning following other similar episodes, the provision prohibiting access to sporting events, the so-called daspo, was issued against him for a period of year.

The ban applies to all sports facilities in the national and European territory and is valid for all championships.

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