Former Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel becomes the new national coach

Former Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel becomes the new national coach

Die Stellenausschreibung des englischen Fußballverbands (FA) hatte es in sich. Gareth Southgate war im Sommer nach acht Jahren im Amt als Nationaltrainer zurückgetreten, seitdem war die FA auf der Suche nach seinem Nachfolger. Der Auftrag war in dem Schreiben unmissverständlich formuliert: Nach den verlorenen Endspielen bei den Europameisterschaften 2021 und 2024 sowie dem Ausscheiden im Halbfinale der Weltmeisterschaft 2018 soll der neue Trainer das gewaltige Potential der gegenwärtigen Spielergeneration nutzen, um endlich „ein großes Turnier zu gewinnen“. Seit dem Gewinn der Weltmeisterschaft 1966 hat England keine weiteren Titel gewonnen; bei der WM 2026 wird dieser größte und bislang einzige englische Triumph 60 Jahre her sein.

Seit Mittwochvormittag ist die Suche nun offiziell beendet: Der Mann, der England auf dem Weg zur WM weiterentwickeln soll, ist Thomas Tuchel. Wie die FA in einer Mitteilung zur Personalie schrieb, wurden „zahlreiche Kandidaten“ interviewt – etwa zehn sollen es gewesen sein –, und am Ende setzte sich Tuchel als die „bevorzugte Wahl“ durch. Ob der 51-Jährige auch die erste Wahl war, ist dennoch offen, denn zu den übrigen Kandidaten gehörte dem Vernehmen nach auch Manchester-City-Trainer Pep Guardiola. Verschiedene Medien, darunter auch die Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, berichteten noch vor Kurzem, dass „Englands Fiebertraum“ vom wahrscheinlich besten Trainer der Welt wirklich wahr werden könnte.

So aber wird Tuchel von Januar 2025 an Englands dritter ausländischer Nationaltrainer nach dem Schweden Sven-Göran Eriksson (2001-2006) und dem Italiener Fabio Capello (2007-2012). Bei den verbleibenden Nations-League-Partien in diesem Jahr bleibt Interimstrainer Lee Carsley im Amt, danach kehrt er zurück zur U 21. Tuchels Ko-Trainer wird der Engländer Anthony Barry, der schon bei Bayern München und dem FC Chelsea als Assistent an Tuchels Seite gearbeitet hatte. „Zusammen haben sie vier Titel gewonnen“, betonte die FA in ihrem Kommuniqué.

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Noisy exits

In general, it was apparently Tuchel’s titles that contributed to his signing. He has won trophies in his career in Dortmund and Paris, at Chelsea and – despite all the difficulties – at FC Bayern. What stands out is winning the Champions League with Chelsea FC in 2021, when he defeated Guardiola’s Manchester City in the final – even though he only took over the team four months before the final and initially led it out of a deep crisis.

The ability to improve a team quickly and effectively through a handful of tactical tricks may have particularly impressed the FA when looking for a coach. The new coach’s profile also included the fact that he must be able to “inspire the nation”.

However, Tuchel is not necessarily considered an easy character in the industry. In any case, he is not one to submit quietly. His dismissal from Paris Saint-Germain was mainly due to the fact that he had previously argued with the sporting director Leonardo. In the end, his expulsion was “as expected as Santa Claus,” wrote the sports newspaper “L’Équipe” at the time.

His departure from Dortmund in the summer of 2017 wasn’t exactly peaceful either. At the time, the BVB management publicly criticized, among other things, Tuchel’s teamwork and communication skills. His reputation as a control freak followed him to England. The hope now is that as national coach he won’t have to deal with transfers and other everyday conflict issues.

“Dark day for England”

But in England he succeeds a personality who knew how to manage public pressure. Southgate may not be a gifted strategist, but he always hit the right tone when dealing with the media – whether it was about football issues or the racist insults against individual players after the lost European Championship final in 2021. Tuchel will have to be measured by that .

He gained practice at Chelsea FC when he involuntarily became a kind of political spokesman. During this time, the British government imposed sanctions on the London club because of then-owner Roman Abramovich’s links to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “He did a remarkable job,” said the BBC in a review.

But there is also criticism of Tuchel’s appointment. The right-wing conservative tabloid Daily Mail complained that it would be a “dark day for England” if, of all people, a German was given the country’s highest coaching position. Former coach Harry Redknapp expressed his disappointment more soberly on “Sky Sports”: There were simply too few English coaches to choose from at the highest level, “because English people don’t get jobs as coaches in the Premier League as often anymore.” Two names that have been linked with the job were Newcastle United’s Eddie Howe and currently without a club former Brighton and Chelsea manager Graham Potter.

On Wednesday afternoon, Tuchel attended his first press conference as future England coach. He wore a white shirt and a black jacket, but no tie. In fluent English and with a smile on his face, he apologized for having “only a German passport,” but reiterated his passion for England and English football culture.

When asked afterwards whether he would also sing the national anthem – a discussion that has recently become increasingly common in the country – he said he had not yet decided, “I want to be honest with you.” The FA had the job advertisement it in itself. Things won’t be much easier for Thomas Tuchel in the future.



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