Genoa European capital of sport 2024: last weekend of the Caruggiadi, the sporting event spread across the Molo, Maddalena and Prè districts in the historic center

The fourth and final weekend of the Genoa's 'Caruggiadi': A Unique Olympic Experience in the Historic Center”>Caruggiadi will take place on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th, the event dedicated to sport widespread in the historic center, with 12 urban spaces in the Sestieri del Molo, Maddalena and Pré districts transformed, in rotation, into playing fields for practicing 20 disciplines: athletics, badminton, basketball, bowls, football, table football, freestyle football, esports, hockey, jujitsu, karate, orienteering, handball, volleyball, parkour, rugby, fencing, subbuteo, swing, street dance and yoga. This week the activities will involve: Rotondi gardens, Piazza delle Lavandaie, Piazza Don Gallo, Piazza delle Scuole Pie, Piazza Durazzo, Piazza Vittime di tutti le mafia, Piazza del Campo. Among the events scheduled this weekend, on Saturday 12th, fencing will be the absolute protagonist at the Caruggiadi with the possibility for many children and young people to approach this discipline with an open test from 10am to 4.45pm on the platform set up specifically for the occasion in Piazza Caricamento with the presence of instructors representing GenovaScherma, SDS “Cesare Pompilio” and Club Scherma Voltri. Followed by the “Fencing in the Square” show from 4.45pm to 6pm which, after Chiavari and Portofino, promotes the European Championships in Genoa scheduled from 14 to 19 June 2025 in the Ligurian capital with an engaging performance which sees the best Ligurian athletes taking turns on the stage to show the unique characteristics of all the weapons of this discipline: foil, saber and epee. On Sunday 13th, the Ce.Sto Social Cooperative with the Luzzati Gardens promotes a special cirulla, the traditional Genoese game which in recent years has been able to be a social catalyst for young people, is part of the event program with a tournament taking place at the Round Gardens. Registrations can be made directly on site from 6pm and the only condition is to bring a deck of cards with you. The tournament falls within the framework of the Genoa Historic Center Community Project with the collaboration of the Prè Sestiere and the Molo Sestiere.



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