German population is getting used to paying for TV sports › HL-SPORTS

German population is getting used to paying for TV sports › HL-SPORTS
Cameras in the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Archive photo: Lobeca


Law firm Prof

Lübeck – On Monday the Tagesschau published an interesting survey. The “Deloitte Media Survey Survey” asked 2,000 consumers whether and how much money they would spend on sports subscriptions per month. It wasn’t just about football. Basketball, tennis, Formula 1 and other sports also played a role.

Majority is willing to pay

Almost 38% of those surveyed are not prepared to spend money on sports subscriptions. 14% have a maximum of ten euros per month, 16% are willing to pay a maximum of 20 euros. 15% can imagine spending over 30 euros, but only three percent would pay over 50 euros a month for sports subscriptions. Overall, 62% of those surveyed are willing to spend money on sports subscriptions.

Younger people have gotten used to it

The media portal added that the proportion of those worthy of payment who are younger than 45 years old is significantly higher. But even in this age group the budget is not unlimited.









Development since 2018

By the way: According to PWC, the willingness to spend money on sports reporting was significantly lower in the past. In 2018, only 41% of respondents were willing to spend money on sports coverage. Of course, the two studies are not comparable one-to-one, but they nevertheless show the development of sports media in Germany in a representative manner.

How does Robert Glatzel’s injury affect Hamburger SV’s success?

  • HSV remains in the top five (41%, 156 Votes)
  • HSV is getting better and climbing up the table (23%, 89 Votes)
  • HSV slips slightly without Glatzel (14%, 53 Votes)
  • HSV is getting significantly worse and has little chance of promotion after its return (12%, 44 Votes)
  • I don’t care (8%, 32 Votes)
  • I don’t know it (2%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 382

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