I’m applying for a job in the NBA marketing department

I’m applying for a job in the NBA marketing department

The title of the session is a joke but the last question of the CQFR of the day (concerning the jerseys in our possession) and the recent communication from the NBA on the floors of the NBA cup this year made me think of this: instead of the horrible city edition jerseys, why wouldn’t the NBA instead put in place NBA cup jerseys?

And to go further to promote this new competition, the NBA would include fans in this process.

First of all, everyone can propose the NBA cup jersey of the team of their choice to the league. Obviously, this is not within everyone’s reach but when we see the talent of anonymous people on this subject or on logo creation for example, we sometimes wonder if there is not collusion between certain companies and the league/franchises to feed friends.

Then, the NBA selects, for example, 10 models from among the proposals and submits them to a fan vote, which I imagine as follows: you must have an nba.com account to be able to vote, choose your favorite team (if the fan wishes). From there, everyone can vote for all the jerseys up for voting. Each vote counts as one vote except that of his favorite team which counts as 5 votes. Thus, fans of a franchise have more say in the selection of their jersey.

And finally, of course, prizes to be won, such as an exceptional day with the franchise and access to the players on an NBA Cup match day (with the little subject that goes well with this wonderful experience on social networks) for the designer whose the jersey was selected and one of the voters.

I can’t even imagine the number of Lakers #23 jerseys that would have been sold last year if the NBA had thought of doing that…

Do you think that this absolutely brilliant idea (yes, because as I like to say in job interviews, humility is my main quality) gives me a chance of being poached by the NBA?



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