Israel international match against France in war: “We can do good”

Israel international match against France in war: “We can do good”

Israel international game in war :

“We can do good”

Von Itay Goder, Tel Aviv

10.10.2024, 19:05Reading time: 4 minutes

<img alt="At home in exile: The Israeli national team plays its “home games” in Budapest, Hungary.” fetchpriority=”high” height=”2000″ loading=”eager” srcset=”×9/zuhause-im-exil-die.jpg.webp 1240w” src=”×9/zuhause-im-exil-die.jpg” title=”At home in exile: The Israeli national team plays its “home games” in Budapest, Hungary.” width=”3000″ class=”header-teaser__image–default” data-v-371ffd53=””/>

At home in exile: The Israeli national team plays its “home games” in Budapest, Hungary.picture alliance /

Hardly anyone in Israel is thinking about football at the moment. But the national team wants to give people happiness. The international match against France is politically explosive – because the relationship is not the best.



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