Kiké Hernández and his CONTROVERSIAL celebration before victory against Padres | Halftime

Kiké Hernández and his CONTROVERSIAL celebration before victory against Padres | Halftime

Los Angeles Dodgers achieved one of the comebacks more triumphant and unexpected in the Game 5 of the National League Division Series of the Major League Baseball (MLB) after eliminate to the San Diego Padreswho led them by more than 1 game.

However, with Kiké Hernández, Will Smith y Shoehi Ohtani (among the other ninth angelina) they managed to ravoid their pass to the Conference Series, However, one of the most scandalous moments of the game was not the races, but the controversial celebration that Kiké Hernández made.

Kiké Hernández and his controversial celebration

Yesterday, Friday, October 11, at dispute of Game 5 of the Divisional Series of the MLB National League, Los Angeles Dodgers they did not bow down to the San Diego Padres and they managed to make one of the most triumphant returns after beating them in 2 races to 0 in the heart-stopping match.

Enrique ‘Kiké’ Hernández, the Puerto Rican Dodgers player was in charge of put the first run on the scoreboard after hitting a home run, igniting the entire Los Angeles fans as well as the squad, who grew throughout the game.

However, while celebrating with all his colleagues the hit he gave, along with his second base partner, Gavin Luxthey collided their private parts in celebration. Despite It is a common celebration among baseball players, Fox Sports censored the momentas it caused controversy among fans.

Despite The television station cut the celebration at the last minute of Hernandez and Luxthe official social media account of Los Angeles Dodgers the viral moment went up, celebrating the “belt bump” between both players, thus achieving their pass to the MLB Conference Series.

It’s not the first time

Even though the Kiké Hernández’s celebration caused a stir among social media usersdividing opinions among fans because while some They called Hernández and Lux’s “belt bump” ‘a classic’ others classified it as inappropriate and lack of respect, but it is not the first time.

And yes, well If you are a baseball fan you will know that this celebration it’s a bit traditional among players from the professional series. David Rossthe star hitter of the Cubs del 2016also caused controversy at the time by do this celebration, but with almost all the doug out.

In that February 2016, when the Cubs were crowned champions again from the Major League Baseball and break a 100-year curse; after having hit a home run that sent the ball into the stands, David Ross celebrated with more than 5 “belt bumps” with all his companions.



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