Lacemakers are perfecting their skills – Bailleau-l’Évêque (28300)

Lacemakers are perfecting their skills – Bailleau-l’Évêque (28300)

Bailleau-l’Evêque. Lacemakers in training.

Eight lacemakers from the Dentelle Baillolaise association took part in a lace training course on October 15 and 16. It is Florence Quinette, lace teacher, who, for the eleventh time, came from Normandy to distil her know-how to “students” wanting to further perfect their practice of bobbin lace.

This year the theme was “lace, with fine threads from Bayeux, with floral motifs”, indicates Florence Quinette.

Lace making is a demanding job that combines technique and dexterity. Some have had their art at their fingertips for more than thirty years, but prefer the adjective passionate to that of expert. “Don’t panic, very regular practice, passion, that’s all. It’s not as complex as it seems,” they assure, smiling.

It was in the serious atmosphere of discreet clicking of spindles that these friendly lacemakers spent the two days, stopping from time to time the dance of their fingers, for small moments of conviviality.

“The lacemakers were satisfied both by the quality of the teaching and by the atmosphere that reigned there,” confides Nadine Jouin, president of the association, which she created in February 2005.



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