Lanta – “Frédéric is the biggest manipulator”, “What a hypocrite!”, “I hate him”, “This snake”, “He took too much melon”: Frédéric provokes the anger of Internet users after the shooting ordeal the bow

Lanta – “Frédéric is the biggest manipulator”, “What a hypocrite!”, “I hate him”, “This snake”, “He took too much melon”: Frédéric provokes the anger of Internet users after the shooting ordeal the bow

After reunification, tensions multiply in “Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe” presented by Denis Brogniart on TF1. This Tuesday, October 22, 2024, it was Frédéric who made many fans of the show jump…

Video. Discover Denis Brogniart’s minute

During the last council, Gustin‘s betrayal sowed turmoil within the reunited camp. It must be said that by eliminating Sarah, the young man alienated his former red teammates. Notably Ugo, the captain of the red tribe, very upset against Gustin whom he had trusted until then. For Cassandre too, the pill has difficulty passing, she who was very close to both Gustin and Sarah. And even for the first eliminated who live in the residence of the final jury, Gustin’s attitude is difficult to understand. On the other hand, Frédéric, captain of the ex-yellows, relishes the situation: “They are in depression”. On Gustin’s side, not a shadow of remorse: “This morning it suits me very well, the person I wanted to see leave has been eliminated. Everything is going very well for me (…) I’m not moving forward not with cowards” he declared before honoring the qualities of his new traveling companions from the ex-yellow team.

But no time to dwell on the (many) tensions at the camp: time for the comfort game of the day with the legendary archery event. An ordeal which has the reputation of creating, again, a lot of resentment. This year, the eleven adventurers competed for a plate of lasagna, milkshakes and, above all, videos of their loved ones. The stakes were therefore high, and so was the competition. Once all the ex-reds were eliminated one by one by their opponents, the ex-yellows faced each other. Frédéric eliminated Sophia, Ilyesse and Charlotte in turn, always explaining that they had not been up to par. A not very strategic choice which still allowed him to win comfort, which the young man chose to share with Thibault, the finalist of the event and ex-yellow. Thus, Frédéric revealed the reasons for his strange strategy: “I really wanted Thibault to benefit from this comfort. That’s why I made bogus excuses to the other yellows, I’m sorry.”

Not enough to appease the anger of Sophia and Charlotte, shocked by Frédéric’s arguments when he eliminated them. And it was enough for the two women to review their judgment towards their former captain and master of their strategies until then. On the Web, the same story: incomprehension and anger reign. For Internet users too, Frédéric would be far too strategic, even in a game like “Koh-Lanta”…



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