Maniche Responds to Pinto da Costa’s Allegations: A Reflection on Sá Carneiro’s Poem ‘Fim’

Maniche Responds to Pinto da Costa’s Allegations: A Reflection on Sá Carneiro’s Poem ‘Fim’

Maniche didn’t like being one of <a href="" title="FC Porto – News – FC Porto Football Sciences Institute launches new training offer for 2022″>Pinto da Costa‘s targets in his book, ‘Azul till the end‘, which hits newsstands next Sunday. In the work, the former president of FC Porto says who he wants to see at his funeral, but also details the names of people he would like not to be present, including Maniche.

“I am mentioned in the book, as being a traitor. 90% of Porto fans are traitors because we bet and voted on a more credible, more transparent candidacy, without vices. That’s why we are sidelined with these statements. But I take this opportunity to advise everyone us reading the poem ‘Fim’, by our great poet Mário de Sá Carneiro.

The former Portuguese international midfielder also took the opportunity to list what he considers to be some inconsistencies in Pinto da Costa’s book.

“But [vamos a] three essential points: the worst deals, according to Pinto da Costa, were Zé Luís and Nakajima, with pressure from coach Sérgio Conceição. A coach who, in seven years, reached 530 million euros in sales and 347 million in UEFA revenue. First incongruity. Second: after the game against Inter, he said ‘enough is enough’ in the face of so much disappointment, saying that he would not renew with Sérgio Conceição. We verified that he did nothing of the sort, because two days before the election he renewed with him. Third and last, because I’m not going to steal space from the panel: on May 17, 2023, he said he would not present himself for voting.

“The greatness of people is not seen when they win. It is seen in defeats. I’ll stop here”, concluded the former player who now works as a television commentator.

The former FC Porto player hopes to be able to read the book when it is released.

“I’m waiting for them to offer it to me on my birthday, November 11th, or at Christmas. Above all, with a dedication, thanking me for having participated in national titles, Portuguese Cup, Super Cup, UEFA, Champions, Intercontinental. . I would like to keep the memory. But I hope the former president lasts for many more years, to entertain us with these fantastic situations”, he said.



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