«My mother always said that poor people don’t become actors and we were poor, but I continued to chase my dream»

«My mother always said that poor people don’t become actors and we were poor, but I continued to chase my dream»

Al Pacinoguest of “What the weather is like”spoke about his beginnings in the world of entertainment, recalling the importance of the encouragement he received during his first steps as an actor.

Al Pacino’s beginnings: theater and cinema

Al Pacino says: “I started very young, both in theater and cinema, inspired by the films my mother took me to see. I was very attentive to every detail”. These early moments in his career laid the foundation for his path to success.

The importance of teachers in Al Pacino’s life

Pacino shared an exciting anecdote about amiddle school teacherwhich gave him his first real encouragement towards acting. He explained: “In eighth grade, my teacher gave me the Bible to read. I didn’t fully understand the meaning of those words, but I felt a deep connection with the feelings and love he spoke about.”.

Family support and the road to acting

The actor talks about how his teacher spoke to Pacino’s grandmother and mother, encouraging them to support his talent: “The teacher went to our house in the South Bronx and told my grandmother, ‘This kid needs to be an actor!’”. However, the family was skeptical, since Al Pacino he came from a poor background. His mother told him: “The poor do not become actors”.

The desire for success: a life lesson

Despite the initial difficulties, Al Pacino continued to pursue his dream, driven by desire and the encouragement he received: “If you have talent and desire, you can become an actor. You have to want it badly.”.

The actor underlined how fundamental the support of those who believe in you is.

A passion between acting and baseball

Pacino confessed to having another great passion as a young man: “I also wanted to be a baseball player, but unfortunately I wasn’t very good”.

Last update: Monday 21 October 2024, 10.44am




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