New restrictions for the use of cell phones in the NBA

New restrictions for the use of cell phones in the NBA

L’NBA recently announced a revision of the rules on the use of mobile phones and social media during matches, following the case Jontay Porterinvolved in one betting scandal.

According to a report from SNY’s Ian Begley, the league is tightening existing rules to ensure greater oversight and safety. The new policy, developed in collaboration with the NBPAbuilds on rules already introduced in 2009 and places further restrictions on the use of electronic devices by players and coaches.

The original legislation prevented the use of social media in the 45 minutes before the start of the match and until the conclusion of the post-match interviews. With the new revision, the use of cell phones and the like will be prohibited from the start of the match until the end.

While the use of social media during games is a rare phenomenon, there have been known incidents in the past, such as that of former Milwaukee Bucks player, Charlie Villanuevawho tweeted from the locker room during halftime in 2009. Also Chauncey Billupscurrent coach of the Portland Trail Blazers, talked about one of his players who posted a video of a dunk while the team was trailing by 18 points.

The primary goal of this policy is to keep players and coaches focused on the game, but the measure also represents additional protection for the integrity of the league. The story of Jontay Porterbanned for life from the NBA after sharing confidential information with bettors and placing bets himself, raised concerns that prompted the league to take more forceful action.

As part of the new rule, a member of staff will be designated as the point of contact to handle any emergencies, allowing players and coaches to remain contactable without breaching restrictions on device use. This ensures that there is an open communication channel for urgent needs, without compromising concentration during gameplay.



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