Oct 16 12:05 PM – 12:55 PM badminton – PXL-Education Department Vildersstraat 5, 3500 HASSELT tel.: +32 11

Oct 16 12:05 PM – 12:55 PM badminton – PXL-Education Department Vildersstraat 5, 3500 HASSELT tel.: +32 11

Departement PXL-Education

Vildersstraat 5, 3500 HASSELT

tel.: +32 11 77 50 62

[email protected]



Guidelines on how to complete this form: see viewing guide on BlackBoard

Student name: Rens De Swert Contact person for training institution

Course unit: Internship LO year 3 Sigi Celis, stagecoördinator 3 LO

[email protected]

0496/ 86 40 70

Class period identification

School: Campus de vests Subject: Physical education

Class (+ number of students): 1A3 35lln Lesthema: badminton

Finality/direction: ASO

Datum: 16/10/2023

Professional mentor

Name: Stefaan Heylen

Lesson time: 5de

Telephone: +32 468 11 61 91

Email address: [email protected]about Attachments:

Information about the didactic initial situation

Practical (room, material, teacher, school…):

I have the sports hall at my disposal. Rakfood, feathers and pots are available in the sports hall

Student (interest, mutual relationships, learning and behavior)gproblems):

The students have a good understandingge relationship. There are no students with learning and behavioral problemsn.

Professional content (prior knowledge, experience, etc.):

This is the first badminton lesson I am teaching class. I don’t know if the students already have knowledge

made with badminton.

Siting in curriculum

Curriculum consulted: KOV – GO!/POV/OVSG (circle)

Curriculum consulted (title and number):

Curriculum objectives

Movepurposein (Minimum 2 BD):

After instruction, the students try on different roles (such ass coach, referee, defender, attacker

…) within a wide range of sports, exercise activitiesand and game forms.(1.10.1)

The students use agreed (adjusted) scheduleshitting and rules within different game formats

and within each group of sports.(1.10.2)

Personal purpose(s) (Minimum 1 PD):

The students accept gains and losses in movement and sport.° (attitudinal) (1.11)

The students apply the principles of fair play and team spirit with an emphasis on funr in exercise and sports.





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