Pinto da Costa Addresses Provocations from André Villas-Boas at 2023 General Assembly

Pinto da Costa Addresses Provocations from André Villas-Boas at 2023 General Assembly

Another excerpt from the book «Azul till the End», which will be released on Sunday

In another excerpt from the book ‘Azul till the End’, which will be launched next Sunday at Alfândega, Pinto da Costa addressed the controversial General Assembly of November 13, 2023, in which there were attacks by members of the SuperDragões fans, classifying the chapter as “Shameful Assembly”.

«Unfortunately, my predictions were confirmed. Around two thousand members attended. The chosen location, as in all general assemblies, the amphitheater on Floor-3, was small, and we had to move to the Arena Pavilion. Even before its beginning, I predicted what could happen. André Villas-Boas arrived, left the line, spoke to television and left, for Lisbon, where he was going to participate in an event in the morning. He was accompanied by a PSP agent and the well-known sports fan «Dr. Needles». This was all considered a provocation, especially because the PSP agent violently pushed an associate who insulted André Villas-Boas. The fuse was laid,” he writes, adding:

«Once the AG started, President Lourenço Pinto gave me the floor. I spoke of my independence from the statutes committee, its exemption and my disapproval of three articles. I was heard without any objection, in complete silence and respect. Then they spoke to Dr. Michael Bras and Dr. Hugo Nunes. While they explained how this final version of the statutes was reached, although there was no complete silence, it was possible for them to finish their speeches. When Henrique, known as «Tagarela», spoke, chaos began. I was talking, being interrupted…»



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