Premiere of a classic: This comedy is about life and death

Premiere of a classic: This comedy is about life and death

“The Broken Jug” by Heinrich von Kleist is one of the most famous dramas in German literature. The stage representations of the dubious village judge Adam, who has to sit in judgment on himself, are countless. The Theater an der Ruhr is now bringing the legendary comedy to the stage. Premiere is on Thursday, November 7th

The jug is gone. Broken – but by who? Kleist’s comedy about the guilty village judge Adam hides a dynamic that is extremely serious: blackmail and sexual coercion are combined in a system of power imbalances and fear – against the golden background of colonial expansionism. Who has an interest in ensuring that the truth does not come to light – and for what reason? Was it actually just a jug that was broken, or is there not a much greater damage being dealt with in this court case?

Look into the mechanisms of a system

In his new work, director Philipp Preuss approaches this classic stage material with a lot of musicality and looks into the mechanisms of a system in which many are guilty: Kleist’s historical background is the economically expanding Netherlands, which used war to steal the wealth from its Indonesians wants to secure colonial territories. Even more than the question of who smashed the jug, the question of life and death arises in the small courtroom of the Dutch village of Huisum: Will the innocent Eve succeed in saving her fiancé Ruprecht from the army’s grasp, which will take him to certain death in Batavia, today’s Jakarta, will send?

Tragedy in the guise of comedy

Unlike the usual version, as it has been known for over two centuries, the production uses a different variant of the play’s ending that Kleist originally wrote for the play – and which reveals much more critically and clearly the merciless system in which the characters of the piece are entangled. What often seems comedic conceals a tragedy that is inscribed in the famous drama. Outside the theater islands at the Theater an der Ruhr, “The Broken Jug” joins the MYSTERY theme of the current season as a Young Theater production, but will also be shown beyond the current season.

Supported by the musician Kornelius Heidebrecht (who also sits on stage as writer Licht) and the work of the video artist Konny Keller, the production promises to be a very sensual experience. You can also be excited about the opulent costume design (Eva Karobath) and the stage (Sara Aubrecht). Actor Felix Römer will also be there again as a guest in the role of judge Adam, whom the Mülheim audience already knows from other works by director Philipp Preuss, such as Uncle Wanja, Das Kalkwerk or Amphitryon.

On Thursday, November 7th. is the premiere at the Theater an der Ruhr, further performances on November 8th and 9th (7:30 p.m. each time). On November 8th, tickets as part of the RuhrBühnen*Special only cost 15 euros. Tickets are available via the Websitethe ticket phone (Tel: 0208 599 01 88), by email ([email protected]) or at the box office from one hour before the start of the performance.

Occupation: Dagmar Geppert, Kornelius Heidebrecht, Fabio Menéndez, Felix Römer, Gabriella Weber, Marie Schulte-Werning, Joshua Zilinske

Further dates: Tuesday, November 19th, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday, November 20th, 11 a.m., Wednesday, December 11th & Thursday, December 12th, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.



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