Rome, thieves in action in the night from “With crumb or without?”. And Donato De Caprio publishes the video

Rome, thieves in action in the night from “With crumb or without?”. And Donato De Caprio publishes the video

Nocturnal “split” against the popular sandwich shop “With crumbs or without?” Of Donato DeCaprioin the central <a href="" title="Rome's 97th birthday party: five thousand fans in procession with chants and banners – – Latest news As Roma football – Interviews, photos and videos”>Piazza di Pietra. In the night between Sunday and Monday, around 3.20 am, a thief managed to break the window with a mallet, shattering it, and took possession of the restaurant’s automatic cash register, all with the complicity of a second man who was out doing from pole. The time it took the gang to complete the theft was one minute: at 3.24 and 11 seconds the thief sets foot in the shop and at 3.25 and 14 seconds he is already out, according to the images from the cameras.

It was the same man who told what happened From Caprioa well-known influencer who attracted endless queues to shops with his sandwiches, through a video published on Instagram: «Tonight they robbed us, but luckily there were few coins in the cash register because a security service that runs every couple of hours comes to collect the proceeds regularly.”

After the forensic inspection concluded at six in the morning, the police quantified the theft at approximately 3,500 euros, with two cases taken. The sequence of the raid was promptly recorded by the venue’s video surveillance system and the images were shared by De Caprio himself. They show the criminal, a young man who moves in a very agile manner, with a light tracksuit, a baseball cap and a collar covering his face, who after having “broken” the glass window, enters inside and snatches the cash box away . Not only that. He always tries to damage the equipment connected to security with a sledgehammer, while the accomplice shines light from outside with a torch.


The influencer, who owns other shops in Naples and Milan, did not hide his deep disappointment over what happened: «I’m very sad, I work honestly, I give work to a lot of people and they do it like this… I love you Rome even if there are ‘It’s these people,’ he posted, responding to the many expressions of solidarity that arrived online. In another message he then explained that «in the center of Rome, it is unacceptable. It’s sad that these things happen in this wonderful city.”

The agents of the Trevi Campo Marzio police station are investigating the theft. In June, much more publicity was caused by the mega millionaire theft carried out by a gang of professional thieves who, passing through the sewers at night, managed to enter Bulgari’s in Via dei Condotti. A month later the thieves also entered a shoe shop in the Trevi Fountain at night, stealing goods worth 400 thousand euros. This time the amount of loot is decidedly smaller and the raid methods are different, much more frequent in the suburbs. The investigators’ suspicion is that the thieves targeted the sandwich shop after careful inspections. «Yet the problem exists, the danger is also there in an area like the historic center – says David Sermoneta, of Confcommercio – paradoxically Piazza di Pietra remains secluded in the middle of the night and if the thieves acted within a minute there is little to do. Carabinieri and police work and are present in the area but they are also very understaffed, more would be needed.”



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