Sara López said that her rival in the final of the archery World Cup “cried” when she saw her

Sara López said that her rival in the final of the archery World Cup “cried” when she saw her

Sara LopezColombian archer, was crowned champion of the Archery World Cup in Tlaxcala, Mexico, adding his ninth world title. In the final, López faced the Estonian Sea-Marita Passachieving an exciting 147-146 victory, after recovering after a difficult start with only three hits in their first six shots.

The key to his victory was his mental strength, achieving several consecutive perfect shots that allowed him to win by a narrow margin. This result confirms López as the best compound bow archer of all time, bringing another joy to Colombian sport.

During his path to the title, Sara defeated the American Alexia Ruiz in the quarterfinals by 148-144 and the Mexican Andrea Becerra in the semifinals with a score of 149-146, reaffirming their dominance in the competition.

Exclusively with Sports Caracol Sundaythe world champion expressed the emotion she had when winning, what she has achieved throughout her career and expressed how pleased she feels about the talent that is coming in the new generations. These were his statements:

What was it like to obtain the title?: ”It was a moment of great pressure, not only to win again but also because of the level we have at the moment.but from the first moment I decided to shoot very calmly, very calmly. Make my best scores and if I pass with those scores, then perfect, if I lose with my best scores, perfect too.”.

Rivals to take into account: ”The Estonian team has grown a lot, this is a young girl of 22 years old, from the first day she was very sick, she was injured and even a few minutes ago she was close to saying that she was not going to compete because of the pain she felt. on the shoulder. So I did approach her and told her to enjoy it, I sat next to her when they did the draw and I am very proud of her in her interview when she says that when she started archery, she saw me as a role model. When he saw himself in the final with me he said, I made it and he started crying. That’s why I love what I do, to leave a legacy”.

How much has the sport changed?: ”Yes, It has evolved a lot, for example, I debuted with the latest release from the company that sponsors me and it was a bow that arrived two weeks ago and it is a very technological bow.. Obviously, it’s not that the bow shoots itself, It is clearly a goalkeeper’s job. and being able to adapt so quickly was a challenge, something that I assumed with full responsibility.”

Reaping triumphs a decade later: ”Yes, I still watch the news, I see the headlines and I don’t process what is happening, for someone to break this record they have to be at the top for ten consecutive years and that is very difficult for it to happen.. So for me it’s difficult, I can’t believe it. 10 years ago when I won my first world cup for me that was already the peak of my career and Today being nine is more than I ever could have dreamed of.”.



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