Serie B: Brescia in difficulty. Swallows snubbed, more fans for basketball

Serie B: Brescia in difficulty. Swallows snubbed, more fans for basketball

Another defeat for the Rondinelle who just can’t take flight, and so the debut went sideways for Eugenio Corini. Brescia is in difficulty, also abandoned by many fans given that last Saturday in Mompiano for the badly lost match against Sassuolo there were 4,014 people present. On Sunday afternoon, however, for the A1 basketball match, at PalaLeonessa in the victorious match against Sassari, there were 4,591.

It’s not just the five slaps taken at home against the Emilians that make us think, the stomach ache of the football supporters towards the Rondinelle is very clear when other numbers are analyzed: at the moment in Brescia basketball attracts more than football, if it is It’s true that the seats reserved for home fans at Palaleonessa were sold out. Some gaps only in the guest sector in a 5,200 seat facility: with 4,591 the arena is practically 90% full compared to just 25% at Rigamonti, which can hold 16,473 supporters.

In fact, since the derby with Cremonese last September 30th, over 4,000 spectators were lost, going from 9,484 against the grey-reds to 4,014 on Saturday.

But is the crowd hemorrhage just the fault of the bad moment of the team that until a few weeks ago was fifth in the standings and right in the playoff zone? Perhaps. But it cannot be the only reason, also because against Sassuolo the too many absences (Bisoli, Moncini, Galazzi, Bianchi) were ultimately decisive.

Let’s say that the weather conditions also kept many fans at a distance. There was no shortage of “loyalists”, as always. But few people wanted to stay in the rain, and since the stadium is only covered in the stands, there were those who preferred to stay at home. Maybe the old Rigamonti would need a nice restyling for all your needs. And this could also bring back the enthusiasm needed to try to push the team towards more ambitious goals.




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