Sports facilities – There is a lot in the OOPP three-year plan, Councilor Daga forced to split

Sports facilities – There is a lot in the OOPP three-year plan, Councilor Daga forced to split

The three-year public works plan was approved by the city council in December 2023 but in the meantime new needs have arisen after the adoption of the plan including its first update. Another update was made by the municipal council on October 4th.

There are priorities above all in sports facilities, which have suddenly become the center of attention of the Municipal Administration. The Councilor responsible for local sports facilities, Enrico Daga, is besieged by the clubs’ requests. A lightning rod, which must double in giving answers to companies and finding financial resources while also being the owner of the Budget Department. Some people wonder why this uprising of sports enthusiasts is only now taking place in Alghero. The answer is simple: those who were there in previous years did not see a tsunami coming that now risked overwhelming those who administer. But not only that, in the last two years Alghero has faded in the sports field, it is a regional excellence for the goals achieved. Baseball in Serie A together with the Alghero Tennis Club, in football one team in Excellence and one in First Category, in basketball we are protagonists, in five-a-side football we are in Serie B, volleyball pushes, cyclists too, athletics is now a great consecrated movement. Enrico Daga runs for cover, tries to reassure everyone, but weddings with dried figs are not taking place, and here today, in the immediate future, economic resources, commonly called money, must be found.

Here we are acting on a double track, foreseeing interventions in the short term and finding economic resources from the budget. And it follows that the work of Councilor Daga intersects with that of OOPP Councilor Francesco Marinaro, who could, in theory, envisage a detailed plan, but without the procurement of resources, he would be on a dead end.

And we arrive at Council Resolution no. 258 of October 4th.

This resolution contains the second update to the three-year LLPP plan 2024 – 2026

There is also an explanation of Alghero’s adhesion to the public notice addressed to local authorities in Sardinia for the implementation of redevelopment interventions of publicly owned sports facilities in terms of adaptation, completion, renovation and expansion aimed at improving and qualifying the offer of sports facilities services in the area, the municipal administration, in relation to the Carmine and Baseball facilities, application no. 2 projects excerpt from the main projects equal to:

– €675,000.00 for the redevelopment and regeneration intervention with safety and energy efficiency of the Carmine municipal football sports field

– €625,000.00 for the redevelopment, modernization, adaptation and safety of the baseball field, located in via Emilia

The resolution envisages redevelopment interventions on the structure of the Mariotti sports field for an amount of €200,000, as well as the redevelopment intervention of the tennis sports facility in Maria Pia for an amount of €300,000. The redevelopment of the pavement in via Pola in Piazza San Marco in Fertilia is also planned for an amount of €1,500,000.

Also in 2025, the construction of a school canteen in the primary school of Sant’Agostino is planned with an estimated cost of €750,000, then the construction of a geodesic gym in the Giovanni Paolo II school in via XX Settembre at a cost of €550,000.

Extraordinary maintenance work planned for the City Council room at the Lo Quarter building for a total amount of €465,000.00

It is clear that the modifications and additions to the three-year public works program find the resources necessary to finance the interventions scheduled in the Forecast budget for the three-year period 2024 – 2026 which in fact authorizes the expenditure.

In short, there is a lot of irons in the fire, the hypothesized interventions as well, now we are waiting to go into the merits, but it is clear for all to see that there is a change of pace in Alghero today. For those wishing to learn more, here is the Resolution. Councilor Daga is involved on several fronts, all very hot, but the reasons that lead to so much movement are determined by the fact that there is a desire to do things, to give answers to a piece of the city, the one that is moving in the sports associations, which is not a movement as an end in itself, is not alone healthy mens in healthy body, the activities are all companies that move the economy, because that world that starts moving between Saturday and Sunday in Italia i has reached a significant economic dimension of approximately €22 billion, with a contribution to PIL nationally by 1.3%.



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