The 2024 Interfaculty Cup activity started

The 2024 Interfaculty Cup activity started

With the competition of the disciplines of indoor volleyball, <a href="” title=”2021: a historic year for the Alba Shuttle Badminton –”>basketball, soccer, as well as badminton, the activity of the Copa Interfacultades 2024 of the Autonomous University of the State of Moreloswith the purpose of promoting physical activity among university students.

A few days ago, the UAEM Sports management issued the call for the X Copa Interfacultades 2024to take place from October 1 to 31 within the sports facilities of the campus Chamilpa UAEMso the first sports matches were held among the students of the highest educational institution.

In the case of basketball, the faculties of Sciences Applied to Sports, Architecture, Laboratory Technicians, Accounting, Administration and Informatics, Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Educational Sciences and Jonacatepec, Psychology, Tourism, Agricultural Sciences will participate.

Xalostoc, Jonacatepec, Psychology, Sciences Applied to Sports, Accounting, Administration and Informatics, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Educational Sciences, Tourism, Medicine, Design, Law and Social Sciences, Humanities, Architecture, Basic Sciences participate in Barda football. and Applied.

While in indoor volleyball the participants are Accounting, Administration and Informatics, Psychology, Nutrition, Sciences Applied to Sports, Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Educational Sciences, Architecture.

Regarding badminton, there was an attendance of about 40 athletes from the different faculties, where many participated in the workshop led by Professor Estéfano López Millán, with sports center 1 as its headquarters and with the support of the judges of the Mexican badminton federation, the development of the activity was carried out successfully.

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