The Archers of Sévérac launch a new system to develop the practice of archery

The Archers of Sévérac launch a new system to develop the practice of archery

The Sévérac Archers club is now initiating a “Legacy” plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Following the “ArcPacte” project that the club has been developing since 2022 by generously offering the practice of archery to children from families helped by the “Restos du Cœur” as well as to young people aged 16 to 25 including the Mission Locale boosts the future in South Aveyron, the Archers de Sévérac club is now initiating a “Heritage” plan for the Paris 2024 Olympics. The only one for this discipline!

Indeed, “Arc for All – Act Together”, an action plan recently recognized and enriched by the support of state, public and private partners of the Paris 2024 Endowment Fund, makes it possible to build a more united and more inclusive project. Its supervision is guided by the ambition to ensure the social legacy of the Games among the 1,200 ideas and projects which were collected then appraised and grouped within a strategic framework in order to develop a tangible legacy in the territories.

An inclusive initiation

Concretely, the club offers initiation-discovery times in the practice of archery accessible to all thanks to different devices. The first, by contributing to better inclusion of people with mental or physical disabilities. Recognized as an “Inclusive Club”, it will allow two adult archers supported by the department of Aveyron and the French Paralympic and Sports Committee to participate in this program.

Locally, residents of IME, MAS, Foyers and Retirement Homes participate in this affordable physical activity to master the posture of balance, lady concentration and the art of aiming. Then, this time via the “Terre de Jeux 2024” labels acquired by the Municipality, and “Engaged Club”, the Sévéragais Archers create links by integrating people far from employment by restoring their confidence, by introducing them to professions , or even possibly recruit an associate.

Archery sessions for schoolchildren

Third device, by making children and adolescents want to practice this physical and sporting activity in schools and colleges in the area. Because if knowing how to read, count and write are essential, becoming aware of the importance of practicing regular physical activity is just as important. This is why archery sessions have been and are provided to children in CE2-CM1-CM2 from schools in the Causses and Vallée de l’Aveyron sector.

Supervision is also Resources for students and PE teachers at Collège Jean d’Alembert through cross-training and participation during these last two schools in good rankings as part of the French UNSS Archery Championship . If necessary, educational establishments may be labeled “Generation 2024” by establishing collaboration between the educational community and the local sports movement with the support of a Civic Service.

A post-Olympics period full of opportunities

Finally, through the “Heritage” strategy, the club wishes to strengthen the role of this sport as a tool for social inclusion, for the remobilization of populations in difficulty, for the integration of people in precarious or excluded situations, in particular refugee people. To do this, it offers “common law” sporting activity times that also serve other societal issues.

In short, this club project will be enriched by contacts and exchanges with associations in the South Aveyron sector relating to assistance to people. Either also to stimulate an APA for people in Health Units, elderly and/or disabled, or to discuss with the mayor(s) and those in charge of educational establishments on the needs to be provided to families accompanied by the CCAS.

The post-Games period must bring opportunities for everyone and support the structuring of club identities through the professionalization and installation of a shooting gallery specific to this sporting practice filled with emotion and pleasure.



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