The sale of a tennis court for 10 euros sparks controversy in Bellême

The sale of a tennis court for 10 euros sparks controversy in Bellême

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Janique Laudouar still doesn’t understand. And storm.

While she went to the municipal swimming pool in <a href="" title="Judo: Boussaad and Tarik, from Judo club Argentan, Orne champions”>Bellême (Orne), last July, she noticed a substantial construction site with concrete mixer above the pond, “a privileged place”.

Percheron for ages, she doesn’t even know for how many years, the resident of Dame Marie inquires.

We talk to him about the sale of sloping land for 10 euros.

She can’t believe her ears and “decides to dig into the matter.”

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She calls the manager of urban works and projects, she struggles.

“Jacques Debray, the first deputy, assured me that maintaining the land was costing too much for the municipality. And then he told me that no one would have wanted such a space anyway except the current buyer.”

She refuses this argument and writes to Mayor Rémy Tessier to receive further information on the sale.

“I wanted to obtain the estimate of the property’s market value before transfer, the request for planning permission, the administrative act noting the downgrading of the land from public to private domain and the building permit authorizations.”

“Sources of violence”

For any response, she receives the minutes of the Municipal Council of the commune of Bellême, meeting of April 8, 2024.

It stipulates concerning the disuse, downgrading and alienation of part of the plot AI 252 (former tennis court) that following a letter received from an administrator who wishes to acquire part of the plot which adjoins his home, for the price of €10 net seller to establish an orchard there, the municipal council authorizes the demarcation, notes the disuse, authorizes the downgrading and votes favorably for the sale of part of the plot.

Janique Laudouar is not giving up.

She speaks of “minimum favoritism, opacity in the approach, a lack of transparency in the budget”.
She claims “a citizen request for information which is taken as an attack and even an insult”.

Above all, it asserts a “fed up feeling that elected officials allow themselves everything without us ever having the right to say anything”, which provokes “incomprehension and anger, sources of violence”.

The mayor’s explanations

Contacted by telephone, after several weeks without answers, Rémy Tessier explains the operation: “Theold tennis court had been unused for ages, unused and unusable. Previously, it belonged to the CdC which had jurisdiction over it like all sports equipment. The CdC returned it to the municipality to the extent that it was no longer useful. »

The mayor of Bellême specifies that to revalorize this abandoned land “with defective coating, in deplorable condition”, it would have been necessary to dismantle the fence, remove the old, very damaged tar, an operation which he considers to be 3,000 or even 4,000 euros at least.

Suffice to say that the sale of this plot to the owner who is going to enlarge his property also suits us

Rémy Tessier, mayor of Bellême

The town hall will therefore not pay a cent for land that it should have gotten rid of or completely rethought.

“It was more a wart than anything else. A dirty and unusable space with old-fashioned asbestos cladding, this sale is a good thing for everyone. Especially since it will transform into orchard » insists Jacques Debray.

The deed of sale is in the process of being signed but citizens still have questions.

Improving communication between elected officials and Bellêmois would surely be an interesting experiment to try.

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