thirty-year-old known to the police arrested

thirty-year-old known to the police arrested

During the night between Friday and Saturday, a 34-year-old man attempted to extort money from his mother by threatening to blow up their home, located in the Stampace district of Cagliari. The man, already known to the police, allegedly threatened the woman with a gas cylinder, in an episode that was resolved without consequences only thanks to the timely alarm raised by the victim. The 52-year-old woman immediately requested the intervention of the Carabinieri of the Villanova station, who managed to defuse an imminently dangerous situation, intervening on the spot and arresting the man before the situation could degenerate.

This would not be an isolated case: the mother has in fact decided to file a complaint, telling the military that she has suffered threats and extortion attempts from her son in the past, with a trail of pressure that she has now chosen to denounce openly. The thirty-year-old was taken to Uta prison, waiting to answer the accusations made by the woman and to clarify what happened. A quick intervention by the police, which avoided a potential tragedy. An episode that once again brings attention to family dynamics where tensions and intimidation can only find a response through decisive action by the authorities.



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