This has been the parade of the National Holiday and Hispanic Heritage Day in Madrid

This has been the parade of the National Holiday and Hispanic Heritage Day in Madrid

Madrid dresses up to celebrate one of its most emblematic dates: National Holiday Day, which commemorates October 12. This year 2024, the Spanish capital becomes the scene of a show that mixes tradition, politics and a last-minute touch of climate drama.


The rainan unexpected guest, has decided to make an appearance, forcing the organizers to make last-minute adjustments. The Madrid sky, which is normally dressed in the colors of the Spanish flag thanks to the skill of the Águila Patrol, remains gray and silent.

He parachutist jumpanother iconic moment of the event and that in 2019 left a unique spectacle, has also been canceledleaving viewers with a mixture of disappointment and expectation for what they will be able to witness.

Despite the adverse weather, the military parade has been impressive with more than 4,000 members of the Armed Forcesincluding a significant growing number of women.

The feminine presencewhich reaches almost 12% of participantsreflects the advances in equality within a traditionally masculine institution. The parade is complemented by an impressive display of military machinery: 266 motor vehicles roar through the streets, while the chivalry Add a touch of classic elegance to the show with 210 horses.

The march covers a total of just over 1.5 kilometers starting on Paseo del Prado approximately at the Botanical Garden and ending at Plaza de Colón.

After their arrival in the Rolls Royce of the Royal Family, the Kings were awarded military honors, and were then greeted by the leaders of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, and the leader of the Interior, Fernando Grande. -Marlaska, and the leader of the Department of Defense, Admiral Teodoro López Calderón.

The entire Royal Family presides over the parade

The Spanish royal family, headed by King Felipe VI and the Queen Letiziapresides over the event. Princess Leonor of Borbón, heir to the throne, actively participates, symbolizing the continuity of the monarchy and its commitment to national traditions.

Felipe VI wears the uniform of captain general of the Armywhile the Princess of Asturias, that of midshipman.

Their presence is not only protocol; the young princess accompanies his father in the solemn act of tribute to the fallena moment that underlines the connection between the crown and the armed forces.

The political family meets: presence of the president of Catalonia 14 years later

In the political sphere, the celebration takes place in a context of high tension. The previous week has been marked by controversies that have shaken the national scene.

The debate over prison legislation related to ETA prisoners has generated friction between parties, while a Civil Guard report has put a former minister in the spotlight, threatening to trigger a new political crisis.

Despite these turbulences, the event manages to bring together a large part of the Spanish political spectrum. The presence of the coalition government, with representatives of both the PSOE and Sumar, along with opposition leaders and regional presidents, offers an image of national unity, even if it is momentary.

The attendance of the president of the Catalan Generalitat, Salvador Illa, is especially noteworthy.whose presence breaks with years of Catalan absence in this event, symbolizing a possible thaw in relations between Catalonia and the central government.

This is what the different armies and defense forces of Spain have experienced

The Air and Space Army

Army and the mascot of The Legion

The National Police

The Civil Guard

End of the parade with a reception at the Royal Palace

After the parade, the Kings offer the traditional reception at the Royal Palacean event that brings together the best of Spanish society. This cocktail party, which will begin with the formal kissing of hands, will serve as a setting for informal meetings between politicians, businessmen and public figures, possibly paving the way for future agreements and negotiations.

In summary, the National Holiday Day 2024 It is presented as an event that, despite the weather challenges and underlying political tensions, manages to maintain its essence as a symbol of unity and Spanish tradition.



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