<a href="https://www.archysport.com/2022/06/it-is-important-to-continue-racing-de-alma/" title=""It is important to continue" – Racing de Alma”>Víctor Blanco will not be president of Racing once again. A cycle is closed. Final point. That’s it. After 11 years at the helm, the current boss will not continue at the helm. There are many reasons that led him to make this tough decision and, depending on what the polls say, also his recently renewed position at AFA. Something that he was meditating until the last moment, but after meeting with his small table this Monday, he finished defining it. Although also, due to the way some issues were raised, it was something that could be seen coming. And in some way it also has to do with something he said a thousand times… Finally, Víctor Blanco will go as vice president on the ruling party’s list, which will have Christian Devia as a candidate and Alfredo Chiodini as second vice president.
The Academy Elections are already beginning to be played, everyone is moving their chips. And there are many things at stake. This Tuesday, October 15, the three lists will be officially defined with their respective trinomials. As we have been telling on this portal for more than three weeks, the long-awaited and desired unity on the part of the ruling party was impossible from Diego Milito‘s side. The Prince did not want to know anything and made it clear even though he agreed to meet as a matter of respect and formality. But it was when he made his candidacy official on the 22nd that the political landscape changed for the current boss.
Until that date, thinking that Diego was not going to be on any list, It was almost a fact that Blanco was going to be a candidate for president of Racing. In fact, that rumor had already begun to circulate in the halls of the club. With no rivals, it was a guaranteed victory. And his continuity in AFA was also a message, despite the fact that he made it clear that if he did not win he was going to resign because it made no sense to be there as a representative of another racing government. The truth is that Víctor finally made a decision about his candidacy. He is not going to run as a candidate to president, although he will be on the list accompanied by the ruling party as vice.
Some of the reasons why Blanco is not going to present himself as a candidate for president of Racing
The first, and most important, has to do with his rival. Publicly, time and time again he made it clear that he was not going to compete in the Academy elections with Milito. It was not his intention to get into the ring with 22 And that is why since he found out that he was going to be a candidate, he evaluated two scenarios. Join a list of the ruling party or achieve unity. The last is something impossible and the other because it also has to do with knowing that the scenario will be quite complex. And after 11 years in power, a categorical defeat can be hard. Of course we will have to wait for what happens at the polls in December.
At 78 years old, Blanco will close his last cycle as president of Racing this year. Beyond accompanying whoever the ruling party’s candidate is, it is the end of an era. He grabbed a hot iron, a club in debt, and stood it up. He made Racing always play in international cups and has the dream of getting rid of the thorn this year. They know that in these two months they can win the Copa Sudamericana and achieve what they dreamed of so much for the club during this time.