Vivarini exonerated. The Stirpe conference

Vivarini exonerated. The Stirpe conference

Vincenzo Vivarini and Frosinone Calcio officially part ways, in his place Leandro Greco has been promoted from Primavera. President Stirpe announced the decision at a press conference. The yellow and blue team, moreover, will leave for an indefinite training camp in Castel di Sangro from this morning.

Stirpe’s words

The introduction – Life, like football, presents you with obstacles and difficulties that you must overcome. And it presents you with the need to solve various problems. I remind you of the words of June 24th. We said we would start again with enthusiasm, trying to avoid causing disasters. In my opinion we even went beyond our objectives during the transfer market. We started with a coach who was coveted by several Serie A teams, where we did a good job of bringing him here to us.

The day after the relegation I went to talk to the players to tell them that Frosinone was not a prison and those with different ambitions could leave. Those who wanted to leave were supported and those who wanted to stay were also supported. Those who didn’t want to stay but didn’t have any requests, the club tried to do everything possible to please the player, but if there isn’t an offer the player stays here.

When you talk about the market being late, you are talking about the wrong concept. We must always look at the economic balance of the club, it’s not like we can buy players before selling them. The market must take all factors into account. An unfavorable climate is being created in which one can operate. We tried to re-propose the project that I illustrated to you on June 24th, it is the same project done in recent years. The personnel cost of this team is 15% higher than the team that won the championship. The company did not skimp on expenses. The point is one: Frosinone’s budget cannot close at a loss as long as I am the president.

The beginning of the season – The regeneration process is not going as we hoped. The right empathy was not created between the coach and the team. There are questions that I still can’t answer today. The fact is that the results are there for all to see. There is a path that needs to be rebuilt and a shake-up is needed. I have often seen the coach in the dock but not much the team. These players, I’m talking about those who were already there in past years, are the poor copy of those admired in previous championships. Newcomers are also doing badly. Then there were the injuries that affected us heavily, most recently that of Partipilo who we will lose for a couple of months due to a foot fracture. Not forgetting that many of these fundamental players who were part of the historic group had suffered serious injuries, and some still have to recover.

All these circumstances that can provide justification also trigger the technician’s assessments. In a normal and peaceful moment they could also be managed differently. If we go to watch some matches we deserved to win, then we lose pieces and some elements seem disoriented.

The measures – We have taken two measures. The team will go to Castel di Sangro on an indefinite retreat until I see enthusiasm among them again, with small rules to follow, such as the limited use of cell phones. This morning we decided to relieve Vincenzo Vivarini of his duties. I tell you the truth, we are not happy and convinced that it is the right choice but it was necessary so as not to give alibis to anyone. The team was entrusted to Greco, but not on a temporary basis.

The five qualities – I asked for five qualities to start again. We needed to have patience and this environment didn’t have it. I asked for the trust that I think we deserved on the pitch in 23 years and I didn’t see that either. I asked for cohesion and it wasn’t there. Without cohesion disaster comes and has already happened. I asked you for humility. Frosinone has been to Serie A three times in the last 10 years but it’s not their rightful right. Serie B is already a luxury for what we have around us. Of the five things I asked for, not even one occurred. I believe that we must all examine our consciences. I’m not happy with the coach, the team, I’m not happy with the press or even the public. If we all row on the same side it is easier to achieve results. If we all row in the opposite direction we are headed for disaster. It’s easy to demand but you also have to give.

The rose and the market– If with all the injured players we can already field a competitive lineup, it means that the squad has been done well. If we recover the many injured players then we will have to do little on the transfer market, but if that doesn’t happen we will look around. We will have the chance to recover Kalaj too. Since Guido Angelozzi has been there, the company has recovered all the disasters caused in previous managements, me first. Frosinone should build a monument to Guido Angelozzi, if we are a club that envies us all of Italy owes it exclusively to him. Our commitment to staying in the position we have set ourselves will be maximum, without skimping on anything.

On Vivarini’s dismissal – Vivarini was hired for a long-term project and it was necessary to give him time as he is a new coach in a new group and there are the dross of a relegation that we still struggle to remove from our clothes today. It was right to reflect, to do everything that needed to be done. He wasn’t helped by luck, he was unfairly brought into question too much as if he were the lightning rod.

On the aftermath of Vivarini – We haven’t asked anyone other than Greco but for weeks we have been bombarded by requests from coaches who want to come and coach Frosinone.

Responsibility – The players are primarily responsible for me. Just look at those who were here and how they are playing now. Let’s not forget that we are the B team with the most players called up to the national team. Their president will then show them how to be competitive again. I spoke to the captain and two/three representative players and I told him the same things I’m telling you. The team is in retreat for an indefinite period and will return to normal life only when I don’t see their enthusiasm again.

Primavera – There’s Frara who’s thinking about it. I still don’t know who the new coach will be.

On possible offers for the company – There are no offers for the company, what you hear around is all false. There is no entrepreneur interested. You’ll have to put up with me for a while longer (laughs ed.).



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