“Walking Football” gathering in Lousã – CentroTV

“Walking Football” gathering in Lousã – CentroTV

Câmara da Lousã, in partnership with the Coimbra Football Association, will organize on October 30, 2024, at 3:30 pm, a Walking Football Meeting at the Pavilhão do Bairro dos Carvalhos.

This activity, which will feature a maximum number of 8 teams, coming from various municipalities, is especially aimed at the elderly population and aims to promote the practice of physical exercise in an accessible and inclusive way. Walking Football is a modality adapted from traditional football, where running is not allowed, making it ideal for those who want to stay active, but with a lower risk of injury.

It is worth mentioning that this modality was included last year in the municipal project, “Lousã a Mexer +”, which has as its central objective the promotion of health and well-being among the population over 55 years old, encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle. .

With more than 300 subscribers, the project has registered strong attendance, reflecting the growing interest in the various modalities offered, such as Boccia, WalkingFootball, Gymnastics, Water aerobics, Pilates, Hiking and Swimming for Seniors.

In addition to encouraging physical activity, events like this reinforce social interaction and the feeling of belonging to the community, promoting the physical and mental well-being of participants. Regular exercise is crucial for health and quality of life, helping to prevent chronic diseases and improve mobility and autonomy.

For more information and registration in the Lousã a Mexer + project, contact Piscina Municipal da Lousã on 239995777 or at the reception desk.




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