Charnay – Sopron
It was a gala match this Wednesday evening at the Prissé Sports Hall. A well-stocked Prissian lair for the occasion, with the added bonus of light shows, 50 schoolchildren from Tournus to add ambiance and a major opponent of the kind from Europe.
Big start
An adversity which did not scare CBBS, in full swing at the start of the season. A CBBS which is also making a big start. In everything. The intensity, the aggressiveness, the defense. With two or even three holds which suffocate the Hungarians. And offensively, the address is there. Garrick starts with a 2/2 three-pointer and Chabrier follows up with a 2+1 to bring the score to 8-2 (3e ) then 11-5 (4e ). The Charnaysiennes even foiled the Hungarians who multiplied the air ball. Their anchor Monroe makes big mistakes. Only Friskovec survives (8 points).
But not enough to prevent Elizabeth Balogun from increasing the gap to +10…