Tell me whyat the end of this electoral campaign for the presidency of the baseball and softball federation, we must still be afraid, like four years ago, of seeing Marcon at the helm of the movement again.

Isn’t the repeated demonstration of fallibility on almost all fronts that the current administration has dealt with enough? It’s not enough to watch baseball, already niche sports, end up forgotten due to lack of results, sadly poor communication, inadequate advertising?

Tell me why You, those who vote for him, still have faith in those who have stolen dignity from baseball (not from softball, because they were lucky enough to come across a fantastic group of athletes who took Italy to the Olympics), but from baseball yes, coming to declare Not qualifying for the Olympics would certainly not be a tragedy.” Then, recently he changed his mind, declaring: ” Even for softball the Olympics are the goal, we want to bring both teams to the competition. I know that the World Cup went badly, sportingly it was a disaster…

Tell me why you haven’t understood that the current administration is not capable of making the baseball and softball machine work in Italy. Yet you have had eight years to get an idea of ​​how this federation is NOT capable of giving security and tranquility to athletes and coaches and, last but not least, to the fans. Eight years and still hoping for a “turning point”? Objectively, the only turning point we can still expect is the definitive death of our sports which, alas, are already experiencing a state of near-death coma.

Tell me why you have renounced your wisdom, your experience, forgetting everything that came before.

Tell me why you lowered your eyelids and bowed your head.

explain to me why

Tell me whyyou who vote for him, make change a flag, but we already know that “in a Leopard way”, that change is just a way to maintain certain privileges that the Dott. Ing. Cav. Grand Uff. Loupe. Man. (cit. Accountant Ugo Fantozzi) has already dispensed to you or that you have seen dispensed to others and that you too try to have in the future.

Tell me why you cannot convince me that you are guided by the good of the movement.

Please, a few hours before the vote, try to think about the good of our sports and not your personal interest.


Author: Cristina Pivirotto

Image source: web

2024, BardelBaseball, baseball, Baseball5, featured, Italia, softball



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