Man is given a daily platform to express his opinion about everything and all men and women, but especially men, listen and watch him with fascination and so the man goes all the way to the top and man actually starts to express his opinion about everything and increasingly assumes that others are very interested in the man’s opinion, and also starts to proclaim it at parties. Man actually sounds a bit like a GeenStijl editor, nice guy, we like and understand man. At the same time, there is of course a limit to the amount of nonsense that one TV program can pour out on the nation, and the male-to-male share of this is always considerable.
But still, @Johan, if you really don’t feel like it anymore but you feel cold at the thought of no longer being heard: come along to our big American election show tomorrow. We will save a spot for you!
By the way, this is not the Stamcafé, which has been rented tonight for the 65th birthday of the (still!) living legend Arthur van Amerongen, so if you want to get drunk with like-minded people or hang out lonely and monomaniac behind a slot machine, we recommend I highly recommend taking a look there.