This makes two losses in a row for the Cowboys. With a now negative balance sheet and a division that is slipping away, Dallas finds itself in the fight for the folding seats in the playoffs. And in fact, Atlanta could be one of the direct opponents. A victory this Sunday would be a good sign of awakening and a good mathematical deal.
But are Dak Prescott and his teammates capable of it? Half the editorial team thinks so.
The favorites for the title are starting to emerge, and they are widely favored by prognosticators this week. The Bills, Bengals, Chiefs, Ravens and Eagles are unanimous winners. This is almost the case for the Lions as well.
In the ranking, Raphaël Masmejean (67.5%) moves ahead of Raoul Villeroy (66.7%), then Gregory Richard (65.9%), Alain Mattei (62.6%), Victor Roullier (62.6%), Nithinya Simuong (62.6%), Lucas Vola (58.5%) and Jean-Michel Bougeard (56.1%) follow.
NFL predictions for Week 9 by the TDActu Podcast team