Olivier Fiala leaves his position at the tennis club

Olivier Fiala leaves his position at the tennis club

This last Saturday, after almost twenty years in the office including the last twelve years as president, Olivier Fiala leaves the presidency of the Auzielle Lauzerville Tennis club (TCAL). A wonderful experience for Olivier who can be proud of the development of the club and of certain particularly notable successes: The rapprochement with the neighboring town of Lauzerville to transform the CAT (Auziellois tennis club) into TCAL. The renovation of the Lauzerville field to allow the club to have a fourth synthetic turf field; The construction of the new club house dedicated exclusively to tennis; Obtaining the FFT labels “ELLE tennis (women’s club)” but also “Club tennis santé” (courses adapted to people who have encountered or are experiencing health problems); The positioning between competitions and conviviality; The development of children’s courses which are a real success.

Olivier underlines and insists on the fact that all these actions could of course not have been carried out without the help of many people, internal and external to the club such as: current and former members of the office; Teachers, Adrien Oulion, Elodie Bignau and Bernard Derrupé; Past and current members (180 to date), with strong loyalty to the club; The successive mayors of Auzielle and Lauzerville as well as elected officials and municipal teams; The CD31, the departmental tennis committee of Haute-Garonne, The Occitanie Tennis League; And finally his fellow presidents of other tennis clubs in Haute-Garonne. It was to thunderous applause that Olivier Fiala invited all present to a drink of friendship and solidarity. Olivier therefore leaves the presidency of the club very serene and confident for the future, he will remain active and a member of the club. The next president will be known after the office elections.



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