Stuttgart-Atalanta was really more than a match. There are truly particular coincidences that strengthen existing relationships and, why not, develop new collaborations.
Stuttgart President Dietmar Allgaier is the district administrator (president) of District (County) of Ludwigsburg which, here’s where the coincidence lies, is twinned with the Province of Bergamo presided over by Pasquale Gandolfi (here is the news of the partnership agreement signed at the end of 2022).
The half-time break of the match was thus an opportunity to consolidate a beautiful friendship, but also to establish new relationships.
In the cover photo, from left to right, Andrea Fabris, Atalanta Corporate General Manager; Dietmar Allgaier, President of Stuttgart and the County of Ludwigsburg; Pasquale Gandolfi, President of the Province of Bergamo; Luca Percassi, CEO of Atalanta; Alexander Wehrle, CEO Stuttgart