Cremonese-Frosinone will be Stroppa’s return match and obviously there is curiosity about his choices, but knowing them we expect a Cremonese similar to the one he left us, at least on a tactical level. However, two aspects will be interesting. The first concerns the men: did the team follow all of Stroppa? Had someone come unstuck? Will there be consequences when I return? Let’s point out that these are normal dynamics when coaches come and go, there would be nothing strange, every coach has his loyalists and players who are “less convinced” of the project. Stroppa’s choices will tell us which men he is aiming for. The second aspect concerns “Mudo” Vazquez. The absolute best aspect of Corini’s brief management is having seen some enlightening plays from Vazquez. There is no question of class, but he has his age and little autonomy, the more he has to return to defense the more he loses clarity (and also risks losing balls too close to the defense, better to make him play higher, in theory). However, with Stroppa the defensive workload was higher and had less impact on the offensive phase, the team needed to sacrifice Vazquez to have balance. Does Stroppa have any new ideas to find a solution that allows him to be enhanced without unbalancing the team? It would be the card that solves the problems: in the end this team lacks offensive creativity and the only one who can provide it is Vazquez, like it or not.