Badminton: Junior tournaments: Noe Rößler from TSV Heimaterde Lüner city champion U15

Badminton: Junior tournaments: Noe Rößler from TSV Heimaterde Lüner city champion U15

A total of 33 participants registered in the U15 boys’ singles at the 8th Open Lünen Youth City Championships (JWS ranking tournament, C-grading). At the end sat down Noe Roessler from TSV Heimaterde against the entire competition and crowned his splendid performance with the Lüner city championship title and at the same time winning this competition in his age group.

After winning two games in his preliminary group, the 14-year-old moved into the main draw. He didn’t have to intervene in the rest of the action until lap two. With an 11-4 and 13-11 win over Hanqi Zhang (TURA Niederhochstadt), Noe reached the quarterfinals. Here he defeated Harry Zongjue Shi (German Chinese SSC Düsseldorf) with 11-6 and 11-4. On his way to the final, the TSV talent was not stopped by Raul Marques from Schwanheim (11-9, 11-9). In the final, Noe met Ayaan Singh from BV Darmstadt, whom he lost 11-9 and 11-6.

Congratulations, Noe!

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