Canlı: Beşiktaş’ın yeni başkanı belli oluyor! Hüseyin Yücel mi Serdal Adalı mı?

Canlı: Beşiktaş’ın yeni başkanı belli oluyor! Hüseyin Yücel mi Serdal Adalı mı?

## Beşiktaş Navigates Leadership Transition with Crucial Election

The iconic Beşiktaş football club is⁣ at a crossroads, poised to elect a new leader‍ in an extraordinary general assembly today. This pivotal moment follows the unexpected ⁣resignation of Hasan Arat, who ⁤stepped down on November ⁤29th, 2023, citing the teamS performance struggles and internal discord within the management board. [[1]]

Arat’s departure, ‌just months after his December 3rd, 2023 election, triggered a chain of events outlined in ⁤the club’s bylaws. Hüseyin Yücel, the second vice-president, assumed the⁣ presidency temporarily and ‍swiftly announced​ his candidacy for the permanent‌ position. Adding to the intrigue, Serdal Adalı, who‌ previously ⁢challenged Arat, has also thrown⁣ his hat​ into the ring, setting the stage for ⁤a compelling contest.

The victor of ‌today’s election will​ helm the club ⁣until the regularly scheduled general assembly in May 2025. As the candidates⁣ present their visions for the future of Beşiktaş, anticipation builds among fans eager to see who will‍ guide the club thru ​this critical juncture. The outcome‍ of this​ election will undoubtedly ⁣shape the trajectory of Beşiktaş for years to ‌come.

This leadership transition comes ‍at a time when Turkish football is experiencing a surge⁢ in global interest. With the Turkish super Lig⁣ gaining international recognition and attracting top talent, the‌ stakes are ​higher than ever for ⁤clubs like Beşiktaş to maintain ⁢their competitive edge. The new president will ⁣face the challenge of navigating this dynamic landscape while addressing the club’s internal issues and restoring stability.

The eyes of the football world⁣ are ⁢on Beşiktaş as they embark on this new chapter.​ The club’s passionate fanbase awaits the results of this​ crucial election with bated breath, hoping for a leader who can usher in a⁢ new era of success​ and glory.

Live Election Updates: High Voter‌ Turnout Defies Expectations

15:20: Hüseyin Yücel Casts ⁢His vote

Prominent figure Hüseyin Yücel exercised his right to vote at ballot box number seven. Expressing optimism,⁣ Yücel stated, “I wish for auspicious outcomes. Our general ​assembly members have shown tremendous support. While concerns existed regarding low turnout due to the proximity to the new Year’s holiday, today’s participation suggests we might even set a new record.”

15:15: Voter‍ participation Surpasses Expectations

As of 3:15 PM, over 11,540 individuals have cast their votes, demonstrating a robust‌ turnout that defies initial predictions. This notable figure highlights the strong ⁤engagement and enthusiasm among the electorate.This live coverage‍ will continue to provide up-to-the-minute updates on voter participation and key developments throughout the election process. Stay tuned for⁢ further‍ insights and analysis.

Beşiktaş’ta Heyecan Dorukta: Olağanüstü Genel ​Kurul Canlı Yayın

Beşiktaş’ta olağanüstü genel kurulda oy⁤ kullanma ⁢işlemleri başladı ve ​heyecan dorukta. Saat 11:15 itibariyle katılım sayısı 3 bin 650’yi geçti.kongre Üyesine Ambulans Müdahalesi

Oy kullanmak⁤ için sandığa gelen bir kongre üyesi rahatsızlandı ve ambulans çağrıldı.

Eski Başkan Çebi de Oy Kullandı

Kulübün eski başkanı Ahmet Nur Çebi de olağanüstü genel ⁣kurulda oyunu kullandı.

Beşiktaş’ın Geleceği İçin Önemli Bir Gün

beşiktaşlılar, kulübün geleceğini belirleyecek bu ⁢önemli⁤ oylamada aktif rol alıyor.Günün sonunda sandıklar açıldığında, kimin kazanacağı belli olacak.ancak unutulmaması gereken, Beşiktaş’ın geleceği için en önemli şeyin, kulübün başarısı için birlik ve beraberlik içinde hareket etmek olduğudur.

Katılım Yüksek, heyecan Artıyor

Beşiktaş taraftarlarının katılımı oldukça yüksek ve bu da seçimin önemini bir kez daha gözler önüne seriyor.

Seçim Sonuçları ⁢Bekleniyor

Oy kullanma işlemleri devam ederken, tüm gözler seçim sonuçlarına çevrilmiş ⁢durumda. Beşiktaşlılar,yeni yönetimin ​kim olacağını merakla bekliyor.

Beşiktaş Presidential Election heats Up: Hüseyin Yücel Addresses the‌ Crowd

Yücel: A Leader Focused on Unity and Progress, Not ‍Personal gain

In⁢ a passionate address to beşiktaş general assembly members, Hüseyin Yücel, a candidate for the club’s presidency, emphasized his unwavering commitment to the team’s success and his dedication to fostering unity among its leadership. ​

Yücel acknowledged past mistakes, stating, “I’m not infallible, but⁣ I can confidently say that I have never acted against the‌ best‌ interests of⁤ Beşiktaş.” He presented himself as a obvious and accountable leader, ready⁣ to ⁤face the challenges ahead head-on.

A Vision for a United Beşiktaş

Yücel contrasted ​his leadership style with that of his opponents, highlighting his desire to bring together ​all former Beşiktaş presidents around ​a common table. He​ rejected the notion of divisive leadership, stating, “I am⁤ not driven by a lust for power. My passion lies solely with Beşiktaş.”

He pledged to avoid the pitfalls of past administrations, vowing never to succumb to personal ambition or engage in petty squabbles. Yücel emphasized his commitment ⁤to building a strong and united Beşiktaş, free from⁤ the distractions of ⁢personal vendettas and ‌social media posturing.

A Legacy of Dedication⁤ and Integrity

Yücel underscored his unwavering dedication to ⁤Beşiktaş, highlighting his tireless efforts over the past​ year to achieve ⁣success for the club. He emphasized ⁣his commitment to genuine progress, rejecting the temptation to engage ​in superficial displays or exploit rivalries for personal gain.

He concluded his speech by reaffirming his commitment to the Beşiktaş ⁢community,stating,”I have always fought for Beşiktaş,and‌ I ⁤will continue to do so with unwavering passion and ‍dedication.”

The Election process

The Beşiktaş general assembly, comprising approximately 29,000‌ members, is currently underway. Voting will continue until 10:00 PM local⁤ time. Hüseyin Yücel is represented by blue ballots, while his opponent, Serdal Adalı, is⁢ represented‌ by white ballots. The candidate who secures the‍ majority‍ of votes cast in the‍ 25 designated polling stations will become‍ the new president of ​the iconic black-and-white club.

A‌ Legacy of Devotion: A Call for Unity and Stability

Standing before you today is a lifelong Beşiktaş devotee, driven by an unwavering passion‌ for this club. My commitment⁤ to Beşiktaş transcends generations; it’s a legacy passed down from father to⁣ son, a bond that ‍will endure.

The decision to seek leadership was not‍ taken lightly. I believe in transparency and accountability, and​ since⁣ announcing⁣ my candidacy, I ​have strived to address every question, ensuring no Beşiktaş supporter remains uninformed. Today, I ⁣ask myself the same question: “What have‌ I done? Have I not‌ always been here, standing with you?”

My love for Beşiktaş is paramount, eclipsing all othre considerations. It is⁢ this profound ​love that compels me to serve this club with unwavering dedication. This moment, ⁣this opportunity to speak to you, is the greatest honor.

Some have labeled me a traitor, a coup leader. These accusations deeply saddened me,yet I chose not to‌ retaliate. Mr. Adalı used ‌the term ‍”uprising” earlier.Perhaps I am the most democratic of revolutionaries, for my first act upon assuming office⁢ was to call for elections. I ask you, is this truly the image of a traitor? Have my actions warranted such labels? My sole motivation has ⁤been⁣ to safeguard ‍Beşiktaş’s interests, to champion its ⁣well-being.

Breaking ⁤Free from the ‍cycle of Division

Mr.⁤ Adalı eloquently stated that we cannot solve problems with those who ‍created⁤ them.​ This resonates deeply with me. For‍ too long, Beşiktaş has been plagued by ⁣internal strife, manipulated by narratives and illusions. ⁤We have​ witnessed the consequences of electing leaders based on perception rather than substance.

My ‌candidacy is a call for unity ⁢and a return to our core values. I aim to rebuild trust, shattered over the past year, and ⁢foster a sense of shared‌ purpose. Our plan for the next three and a half years is rooted in stability and progress.

We have⁣ a comprehensive strategy to revitalize our football team, including targeted reinforcements and a clear roadmap for success. These ⁤initiatives will be implemented without burdening the club financially. We are​ committed to securing necessary transfers during ⁣the upcoming window without depleting⁤ our resources. Moreover, ⁤the 50 ‌million euro debt due in May will be settled through ⁤the personal ⁢contributions of myself and my team.This is‍ not just a campaign promise; it is a testament‍ to our unwavering‍ commitment to Beşiktaş. We believe‍ in a future where‌ our club thrives, united by a shared passion and driven by ⁢a common goal.

Beşiktaş’ın Geleceği İçin Bir Çağrı: Serdal Adalı’nın Vizyonu

Beşiktaş’ın‌ 121. yılında, kulübümüzün‍ geleceği için kritik bir seçim yapıyoruz. Cumhuriyet’in ikinci yüzyılına adım atarken, Beşiktaş’ın ⁣da‍ yeni bir döneme girmesi ⁣gerekiyor. Ben,Serdal Adalı,bu değişimin öncüsü olmak için​ adayım.

Beşiktaş’a olan bağlılığım,ilk günden beri hiç değişmedi. ‍Kulübümüzün kapısından girdiğim andan itibaren hissettiğim heyecan ve sorumluluk bilinci,‍ bugün de aynı şekilde devam ediyor. Beşiktaş için her zaman elimden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çalıştım ve bu adaylık da bu çabanın bir parçası.

Ne yazık⁢ ki, kulübümüz son yıllarda ciddi finansal zorluklarla karşı karşıya kaldı. Tarihte görülmemiş bir 100 milyon⁤ euro borç yükü, Beşiktaş’ı tehdit ediyor. Gelirlerin israf edilmesi ve kötü yönetim, kulübümüzü bu noktaya getirdi. Üstelik, bu durumdan sorumlu olanlar, bugün yine Beşiktaş başkanlığına aday⁤ oluyorlar.

Beşiktaş’ın ‍geleceği için, geçmişin hatalarından ders çıkarmamız ⁣gerekiyor. Kulübümüzü, kayyumla ⁢anılan bir noktaya getirmek kabul edilemez.Beşiktaş’ı kurtarmak için, yeni bir vizyona, şeffaflığa⁣ ve hesap verebilirliğe ihtiyacımız var.

benim vizyonum,Beşiktaş’ı bu borç batağından ‍kurtarmak ve kulübümüzü yeniden zirveye taşımaktır. Bunun‌ için, gayrimenkul projeleri ​gibi‍ yenilikçi çözümler üreteceğiz. Sponsorluk anlaşmaları yaparak, Beşiktaş’a önemli bir gelir kaynağı sağlayacağız.

Bu zorlu süreçte, Beşiktaşlıların desteğine ihtiyacımız var. Hep ‍birlikte,kulübümüzü yeniden ayağa kaldırabiliriz. Beşiktaş’ın geleceği için, doğru seçimi yapalım.

Beşiktaş Elects New Leadership:⁣ A⁢ Look at⁢ the Contenders

The Beşiktaş olağanüstü Genel⁣ Kurulu,a pivotal event in the club’s history,commenced on December 29th,2024.The assembly began with the selection of ‍the​ election committee, followed by ​speeches from the candidates vying for the coveted​ position of club president.

This election‍ marks a significant moment for Beşiktaş,with Hüseyin Yücel making his⁢ debut in the presidential race. ‍Yücel, who previously ⁣served as second vice-president under Hasan Arat, ascended to the presidency following Arat’s resignation. His experiance extends to previous roles as a member of the board of directors during Fikret Orman’s ⁢tenure‌ and as part of Serdal adalı’s team in Ahmet Nur Çebi’s successful 2019 campaign.

Simultaneously occurring, Serdal Adalı is ⁤no stranger to the Beşiktaş presidential race.⁤ This‍ marks his fourth attempt to secure the ‌top spot, having previously challenged Fikret Orman in ⁤2013, Ahmet Nur Çebi in 2019, and Hasan Arat in 2023. Adalı’s extensive⁢ experience includes serving ‍as both first vice-president and second vice-president during the tenures of Yıldırım Demirören and Fikret Orman respectively.

The outcome of this election⁣ will undoubtedly shape the future of Beşiktaş. As the candidates present their visions and plans for the club, the Beşiktaş community eagerly awaits the results, hoping for a leader who will ⁤guide the club towards a brighter future.

Beşiktaş’ta Olağanüstü Kongre Heyecanı

Beşiktaşlılar,yaklaşık 13 ay içerisinde ikinci kez olağanüstü kongreye hazırlanıyor. Kulüp, son dönemde futbol takımının yaşadığı ⁤başarısızlıklar ve yönetim kurulundaki iç‌ sorunlar nedeniyle büyük bir ⁢değişim sürecine girdi.

3 Aralık 2023’te başkanlığa seçilen Hasan Arat, takımın kötü performansı ve⁢ yönetimdeki anlaşmazlıklar nedeniyle 29 Kasım’da istifa etti.Arat’ın yerine geçen ikinci başkan​ Hüseyin Yücel, 3 Aralık’ta yönetim kurulu toplantısı düzenleyerek seçim kararı aldı.

bu durum, Beşiktaş’ta başkanlık koltuğuna gelen son dört ‍ismin ‌de olağanüstü kongre sonucunda göreve geldiğini gözler‍ önüne seriyor. Yıldırım⁤ Demirören (2004-2012), Fikret Orman⁢ (2012-2019), Ahmet Nur Çebi (2019-2023) ve Hasan Arat (2023-2024), kulübün kaderini belirleyen bu önemli süreçlerin birer parçası oldu.

Aday Listesi Açıklandı

Olağanüstü kongre öncesinde adaylık başvuruları tamamlandı ve iki ‌önemli isim, yönetim kurulu aday listelerini açıkladı.

Serdal Adalı, ⁤deneyimli isimlerden oluşan güçlü bir ekip ile kongreye katılıyor. Aday listesine Hakan Daltaban, ‌Murat ​Kılıç, Çağatay Abraş, A. Orhan Özalp, Mustafa​ Mollaoğlu, Uğur ‌Fora, Kaan Kasacı, Merve⁢ Öztopaloğlu, Özkan ⁢Arseven ve Toygun Batallı gibi isimler yer alıyor. Yedek üye adayları ise Esra Sayın, İbrahim Sağlam, Görkem Bilgi, Selahattin Solmaz ve Turgut⁢ Koç olarak belirlendi.

Hüseyin Yücel ise kendi aday listesini de kamuoyuna duyurdu.

Beşiktaşlılar, yakında yapılacak olağanüstü kongrede kulübün geleceğini ​belirleyecek⁢ önemli bir kararı kullanacak.

Beşiktaş⁢ Elects New Leadership: A Look‍ at the Candidates

The Beşiktaş football club held an extraordinary general assembly at the Sinan Erdem Sports‍ Hall, marking a pivotal moment in the club’s history. The assembly ⁤commenced at 10:00 AM, with the initial focus on electing the presiding committee.⁢ Following this, the presidential ‌candidates delivered their final speeches, paving the way‍ for members to cast ‌their votes. The ‌voting process continued until 5:00 PM.

Two prominent figures, Hüseyin Yücel and Serdal Adalı, emerged as the leading contenders for the presidency. Each candidate‍ presented a diverse slate⁣ of individuals for the management board, ‍reflecting ⁣their distinct visions for the club’s future.

Hüseyin Yücel’s Management board Nominees:

Yücel’s⁢ proposed management board ⁤comprises a mix of experienced professionals and fresh faces:

Full Members: Sencer sarp Aral, Caner Bingöl,⁣ ahmet Budan, Cüneyt Çilingiroğlu, Fırat Fidan,⁣ Onur Göçmez, Deniz Güven, Cemile Aslı Üstünkaya,‌ Ahmet Mete Vardar, Adnan Sertaç Yazar
Alternate Members: Sedat Seymen Akçadağ, Nazlı ⁤Ayaz, Ömer Küçük, Önder Yiğit, Abdurrahman Yiğittekin

Serdal Adalı’s ‌Management Board Nominees:

Adalı’s proposed management board also boasts a strong lineup of⁢ individuals with diverse backgrounds:

* ⁢ Full Members: Hakan Daltaban, Murat Kılıç

The outcome of this election will undoubtedly shape the future direction of Beşiktaş. The new leadership will face the challenge ⁣of navigating the club through a competitive football landscape while⁤ upholding its rich history and tradition.

Meet the Team:⁢ Driving Innovation and Excellence

This ⁢dedicated group of individuals forms the core ‍of our organization,each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table.

Core Members:

Çağatay Abraş
A.⁢ Orhan Özalp
Mustafa Mollaoğlu
⁢ Uğur ⁣Fora
Kaan ‍Kasacı
Merve Öztopaloğlu
Özkan Arseven
​Toygun Batallı

Supporting Our ‍Mission:

Our team is further strengthened by a group of talented backup members who are always ready to contribute their expertise:

Esra Sayın
İbrahim Sağlam
Görkem Bilgi
Selahattin Solmaz
* Turgut Koç

Learn‌ More About Us:

For a⁢ deeper dive into our work and vision, check out this insightful video:



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