Nearly €11,000 raised in Ardentes for the Telethon

Nearly €11,000 raised in Ardentes for the Telethon

The world of volunteering was once again in action on Saturday and Sunday for the 2024 Telethon, for the 24e participation of the municipality of Ardentes. During the two days, the entertainment did not stop.

It was the croissant tour that set the tone for this edition. On the ground, the teams rang the doorbells of homes to offer the 2,300 pastries cooked in the Baudin bakery oven.

Baptisms with Rétro Méca Center

In the morning, the children were involved in the event with the release of balloons. The large room of the Agora hosted the Telethon market in which there were paintings, books, hyacinths, but also the famous Berrichon pâtés and potato pancakes.

The Ardent judo and karate clubs offered demonstrations, while in the parking lot and for the first time, Jean-Marc Mérot and his friends from Rétro Méca Center offered baptisms in their gleaming mechanics.

The day ended with a dinner dance in the colors of Italy which brought together 230 guests.

Sunday was devoted to the lottery, hosted by Christelle, in a very well-stocked room.

When it comes time to take stock, satisfaction is essential since a sum of around €11,000 will be paid for the benefit of the Telethon.



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