The German Dojo is on the rise

The German Dojo is on the rise

The German Dojo held its general meeting around Karine Aucourt, president. Encounter.

Tell us about your association… Judo classes have existed in the village since 1949. In 1976, the activity led by the School Souvenir was a great success. In 1977, we created the Dojo Germanois (Independent Martial Arts Sports Association). The practice location migrated from the cramped school hall to the prefabricated village hall then, since 2006, to an ideal location perfectly dedicated to judo, to the sports complex (built at the initiative of the municipal team under the mandate of Pierre Coissard). Thanks to this perfectly adapted quality equipment, our numbers have increased from 45 to 128 members, including judo and Qi Gong.

How are the association’s finances doing? While maintaining prices that are most accessible to families, each year we have a positive balance sheet allowing us to have peace of mind and invest in teacher training. The main reason for balanced finances is good management and the valuable help of the municipality which supports us by accommodating us free of charge at the Municipal Dojo.

How does the coming year look? Since the health crisis, we have gradually regained good numbers, especially in the early learning category (4 to 6 years old). Qi Gong classes are almost full. The courses and festive activities are a great success, proof of the liveliness of the office and the members.


Composition. The office was re-elected unanimously. The president, Karine Aucourt, is surrounded by a vice-president, Fred Sieminski, a treasurer, Ghislaine Grisard, a secretary, Michel Roiron, and an assistant secretary, Christian Goutorbe.



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