Vis Persiceto – Pallacanestro Budrio 68-58 (1q:16-18 / 2q:23-11 / 3q:15-16 / 4q:11-13)
Budrio basketball: Santi 8, Gherardi, Fantini 10, Ferlini 3, Cantelli 14, Raffaele, Amadei 5, Ricci 10, Cattoli, Scutti 5, Minnucci, Girini 3. Coach Pizzirani
Far from Budrio, in Belinelli’s hometown, the 289 was beaten by the 2007 group from Persiceto.
The match was decided by a break at the end of the second quarter, when in 2’30” we took a 10-1 run that forced us to chase for the entire second half.
The country’s hot environment and some shooting choices condemn us beyond measure.