매일헬스뉴트리션, ‘셀렉스’ 생활체육 지원 활동 확대

매일헬스뉴트리션, ‘셀렉스’ 생활체육 지원 활동 확대

## Fueling Fitness: Maeil health Nutrition Champions ⁤Amateur Sports

Maeil Health Nutrition, a subsidiary of⁢ Maeil ⁤dairies, is committed to building a healthier society by empowering individuals​ through sports.⁢ Recognizing the importance of physical ‍activity, the company has been a steadfast supporter of amateur athletics, championing initiatives that promote an active lifestyle. [[1]]

In the past,⁤ Maeil Health Nutrition has demonstrated it’s dedication to amateur⁢ sports by​ sponsoring events like indoor climbing competitions‌ and providing⁢ support to diverse sports clubs, including running, futsal, and dance groups. Their flagship protein brand, ‘Selex,’ has become synonymous with ⁤supporting athletic pursuits across ⁢various⁢ demographics.[[2]]

Continuing this legacy, Maeil⁢ Health ⁢Nutrition partnered with the sports curation platform ‘Our Ground’ in 2024​ to​ host the ‘Selex Badminton Champions League.’ This‍ large-scale tournament attracted over 1200 participants, ranging in age ‍from teenagers to those in their fifties, showcasing the widespread appeal of badminton. The company’s commitment extended beyond the competition itself, providing commemorative gifts to all participants and⁣ further prizes for the top performers. [[3]]

This dedication to fostering a vibrant sports culture aligns with global trends. According to the world Health organization, regular physical activity is crucial for both⁢ physical and ⁣mental well-being, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall quality of life. By supporting amateur ⁣sports,Maeil Health Nutrition​ is ‌not only promoting a healthier society but also contributing to a more ⁤active and engaged ‌community.3위 시상품을 ‌지원했다.

또한, (사)제주올레와 연간 후원​ 협약을 맺고, 제주 올레길을 찾는 이들에게 셀렉스 프로핏 250mL‍ 드링크를 매월 3천여​ 개 지원하고 있다. 제주 ⁣올레길은 2012년 11월 ‍제주올레 완주를 공식 인증하는 시스템을 도입한 이후⁤ 지난해 10월까지 2만5560명이 완주했을 정도로 도보여행 열풍을 몰고 온 코스다.

매월 1회 셀렉스 SNS 채널에 업로드 되고 있는‍ ‘월간셀렉스’ 참여 선수들을 통해 모교‌ 후배들에게 제품을 ‌후원하고 있다. 제품​ 후원 외에도 프로야구 선수 인터뷰 영상을 통해 스포츠 팬들에게는 즐거움을 선사하고 있다.

매일헬스뉴트리션 관계자는 “셀렉스는 고객과​ 평생을 함께하는‌ 건강관리 ‌브랜드로서 ⁢올해에도 건강한 일상을 만드는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 사회체육 활동을 지원해 ‍나갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다.

2021년 10월 매일유업에서 분사한 매일헬스뉴트리션은 매일사코페니아연구소의 연구결과를 바탕으로 2018년 ‘셀렉스 단백질 제품’을 출시하며, 국내 최초로 성인영양식 시장을 개척했다.

셀렉스는 성인영양식 시장에서의 성공을 바탕으로 고객맞춤형 평생 건강관리를 제공하면서 생애 주기를 함께하는 건강관리 브랜드로 자리매김하고⁢ 있다.

Let’s talk about behaving in a “high and⁤ mighty” way.

Based on the ‌information found in these search ​results, “acting high and mighty” describes someone who comes‌ across as proud and arrogant. [[1]] [[3]]

This kind of behavior often involves thinking you’re⁣ better than others and looking down on⁣ them,perhaps by bragging about accomplishments or belittling others’ achievements.[[3]]

Interestingly, there’s a distinction to be made between‍ being “high and mighty” and having “executive presence.” While acting ⁤high and mighty is generally negative, executive presence, which involves “acting with gravitas” and commanding respect,⁣ can be positive.


The key difference seems to be that executive ⁢presence is ‌rooted in‍ genuine self-worth and confidence, while acting high and mighty frequently enough stems from insecurity and a need to feel superior.



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