Badminton Association Election rocked by Controversy
The upcoming election for the Badminton Association’s presidency has been thrown into turmoil following the disqualification of incumbent president Kim Tae-gyu. Despite facing calls for his removal from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kim had initially announced his intention to seek re-election. However, the Election Management Committee ultimately rejected his candidacy, citing several disqualifying factors.
The Committee’s decision, announced on January 8th, stemmed from a thorough review of Kim’s eligibility under the association’s election regulations. They determined that his actions warranted disqualification, highlighting his indictment on charges of embezzlement and breach of trust, and also a repayment order issued for violations of the Subsidy Act.
Adding to the controversy, Kim had previously received a strong recommendation for dismissal from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, further fueling public discontent. In response to the Committee’s decision, the Association’s Board of directors has formally requested the Sports Fairness Committee to expedite Kim’s removal from office.
This unexpected turn of events has cast a shadow over the Badminton Association, raising questions about leadership and accountability within the institution. The Association now faces the challenge of navigating this crisis and ensuring a fair and obvious election process moving forward.보자 등록 기간 첫날인 7일 곧바로 후보자 등록을 했습니다.
선거운영위 심사가 이뤄지던 시각, 서울 송파구에서는 긴급 이사회가 열렸습니다.
재적 이사 29명 중 18명이 참석해 협회 스포츠공정위와 인사위에 각각 13일까지 김 회장의 해임과 사무처장 중징계를 요청하기로 했습니다.
“회장 해임과 또 사무처장 중징계에 대해서 보고하라는 지시가 (문체부로부터) 내려왔습니다. 선거 전에 공정위를 열게끔 부탁을 드려봐야 되겠죠.”
회의 전에는 김 회장 측근으로 알려진 심용현 전북협회장 등이 긴급 이사회에 참석한 이사들을 징계하겠다며 임시대의원총회 개최를 요구한 사실이 알려져 소란이 일기도 했습니다.
“여기 회의에 참석한 사람들에 한해 징계 요청을 임시 대의원총회에서 하겠다, 이것은 협박도 뭣도 아닌 상황인데…”
김 회장의 출마가 무산되면서 오는 16일 열리는 협회장 선거는 삼파전으로 치러지게 됐습니다.
최승탁 전 대구배드민턴협회장, 전경훈 한국실업배드민턴연맹 회장, 올림픽 금메달리스트 출신인 김동문 원광대 교수가 나섭니다.
연합뉴스TV 박수주입니다. ([email protected])
[영상취재기자: 박태범]
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무단 전재-재배포, AI 학습 및 활용 금지>
2025/01/09 05:54 송고
Please provide me with the text or context you’d like me to analyze. I need somthing to work with! Such as, you could ask me to:
Summarize a news article: “Can you summarize the main points of this article about climate change?”
Analyze a poem for theme: “What are the major themes in this Shakespeare sonnet?”
Identify the tone of a passage: “What is the tone of this excerpt from the novel?”
Compare two pieces of writing: “How do the arguments in these two editorials differ?”
I’m ready to help you explore text and language!