“Andi saved our butts”

“Andi saved our butts”

Auch eine⁢ halbe Stunde nach dem Spiel ⁤war seine stimmung kaum besser ​geworden. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Andreas Wolff in seiner Karriere noch einmal zum Medienliebling wird. Vielleicht wäre ihm ein Zahnarztbesuch angenehmer gewesen, als Fragen zu beantworten.

Dennoch ⁣zeigte der herausragende Torhüter der deutschen Handball-Nationalmannschaft auch nach dem knappen 31:29-(15:14)-Sieg gegen die Schweiz seinen charakteristischen Humor. Er machte Witze, ließ Raum für Interpretationen und beantwortete Fragen mit einer Prise Sarkasmus.

Seine ⁤Frustration über die Leistung seiner Vorderleute im zweiten Spiel der Weltmeisterschaft in Dänemark, Norwegen und Kroatien war deutlich sichtbar – und verständlich.‌ Die⁣ Abwehr wirkte lange Zeit ⁤unorganisiert, ja, um‌ es deutlich zu sagen: durchlässig wie ein Sieb.

Muss ich alles alleine machen?

Wolff schrie sie an, gestikulierte wild, versuchte, sie wachzurütteln, blieb nach Gegentoren demonstrativ sitzen und sprach lange mit seinem Kollegen David⁤ Späth an der Bank. Während deutsche Angriffe‌ liefen, trank er gelassen. Es schien, als wollte⁢ er fragen: Muss ich alles alleine machen?

Wolff, mit seiner imposanten Statur immer eine markante Figur, antwortete ⁤später ⁣auf die Frage nach seinem Ärger ausweichend. Er meinte nur,die klimaanlage​ sei so hoch eingestellt gewesen,dass ihm heiß geworden sei.

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With a provocative grin,​ the 33-year-old from Kiel made it clear that he had no interest in⁤ this conversation and stuck to his joking version when asked. An unusual ‍interaction by handball standards.

Andreas Wolff fended off 20 balls in the well-filled Herning arena. ‍Almost nothing got through, especially from the right wing – poor Swiss ‍Gian Attenhofer must⁤ have dreamed of the​ big, bad Wolff. “Andi saved our butts today,” said strong left winger ⁤Lukas Mertens.

The Germans are oversleeping again

The quality was reminiscent of the last five throws he parried against Spain in the Olympic semi-finals. “wolff saves Germany” has been an established headline for years. But against switzerland? With ‌all due respect to ⁢coach ⁤Andi Schmid’s selection, it could have been a little more confident, especially since they are missing their best player manuel Zehnder with an injury.

Anyway – ‍the selection of the German Handball Federation (DHB) reached‌ the main round, where Denmark, Italy and probably Tunisia are waiting. In order to start there with ⁣maximum⁢ results, the Czechs would have to be defeated in the last ‌preliminary round​ game on Sunday evening (6 p.m. in ​the FAZ live ticker for the handball World Cup and on ARD).

It was the fourth appearance in a row that the Germans missed. National coach Alfred Gislason took the first time out after nine minutes.Neither the front nor the back matched.

Apparently deceived​ by the⁣ impression of ​recent high victories against their neighbors and also put to sleep by Schmid’s clever strategy of making the Germans the towering favorites, the score was 4:7 before things looked smoother at 13:10 thanks to Juri knorr in the 27th minute.

But nothing⁣ like that, this game became a hike in the Swiss Alps, steep, strenuous, ‍sweaty and with very little time to enjoy beautiful views, as they repeatedly overran the German⁢ defense after winning the ball: “We shouldn’t ⁢get in front of the referees “I’ll say that internally too.” Anyone who concedes a lot of goals against ‌the lightning-fast danes will have ​to except that as‍ fate. But against Switzerland with their players‍ from Bern​ and Schaffhausen?

“Didn’t look like we were going to win⁣ for a long time”

At first the national coach tried a lot, wanted to rest the ailing Knorr, trusted Luca Witzke, and ⁣also let Nils Lichtlein play. Knorr took over ​after just eleven ⁤minutes and things ⁣got a little better. Wolff’s rate of 42 percent of balls defended prevented anything worse ⁢from happening at halftime.

But at 19:21 in ​the 38th minute, the brave and uninhibited swiss looked like the winners against ​a flawed and poorly throwing German ‍team. “It didn’t look like we were going ‌to win for a⁢ long ⁢time,” Gislason said later, ⁤“but⁣ then Julian and Renars took obligation and pushed through.”

Both were a typical case of “of all things”. Köster seems tired after a serious knee injury and bronchitis. Uscins wanted too much and only hit every other throw. It was then Knorr who drove the increasingly tired Swiss ‌deep into their own⁢ defense and gave Köster space, which he converted‌ into goals: “There were such big gaps, I had to get through them,” said Köster with a​ smile – knowing full well that he was in the game had interrupted the clear path to the gate in the first round like a shy jumping ‍horse.

So on Friday evening in the Jutland heath it wasn’t the walk we had hoped for with protection ⁣for the highly stressed.It wasn’t until Timo Kastening’s 30:27 in the ⁤56th minute that the many German fans who had received reduced tickets for 70 kronor, which is the equivalent ⁤of just nine euros and a few cents (that’s how much a small beer costs in Denmark) were told the pub): Get ready to cheer.

Andreas Wolff also had a few brief moments that looked like joy – after all, he was voted player ‌of​ the game.

He ‍then talked for a long time with Rune Dahmke, his friend on the team, a⁣ well-mannered mother-in-law’s favorite who would never answer in interviews the way Wolff did. ⁤But he is appreciated ⁢by handball germany for his actions. Not for his words.



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