Treviso Celebrates Sporting Excellence at CONI Awards Ceremony
Treviso, Italy – On Tuesday, January 14th, at 3:30 PM, the Auditorium of the Santa Caterina Church in treviso will host the prestigious CONI Benemerenze awards ceremony. this event will honor outstanding athletes, coaches, and sports organizations from the Treviso province.
A distinguished gathering of local authorities, including federation presidents and delegates, mayors, and institutional representatives, will be present to celebrate the achievements of these sporting heroes.
Among the honorees, Luigi Favarato from treviso will receive the Silver Star for Merit in Sport for his contributions to motorcycling. The Asd Sci Club Nottoli from Vittorio Veneto will be recognized for their excellence in winter sports.
The Bronze Star for Merit in Sport will be awarded to a diverse group of individuals: Sergio Baldo (Treviso) for athletics, Cinzia Bonetto (Treviso) for winter sports and swimming, Andrea Bortot (Gaiarine) for archery, Roberto Carrer (Ponte di Piave) for football refereeing, Remo Dal Bello (Fonte) for football, Marco Dall’Arche (Conegliano) for basketball, Claudio Donà (Mogliano Veneto) for football, Patrizia Fattoretto Capuzzo (Paese) for motorsports, Helga Vecchiato (Mogliano Veneto) for traditional games and sports, and Umberto Zanussi (Casale sul Sile) for volleyball.
Several sports clubs will also be recognized, including the Asd Albatros Volley (Treviso) for volleyball, the Asd Sport target (Castelfranco Veneto) for karate and other disciplines, and the Asd U.O.E.I.(Treviso) for winter sports and swimming.
Technical excellence will be celebrated with the Bronze palm for Merit in Technical Achievement, awarded to Piero covre (Cornuda) for archery and Diego Flisi (San Vendemiano) for volleyball.
The Silver Medal for Athletic Merit will be presented to Viola Magoga (Ponte di Piave) for fin swimming, Luna Mendy (Treviso) for kickboxing, Stefano Pegoraro (Vazzola) for bocce, Carlotta Salis (Castelfranco Veneto) for softball, and Tobia Vendrame (Spresiano) for inline hockey.
The Bronze Medal for Athletic Merit will be bestowed upon Francesco Baldan (Treviso) for motorboating, Elisa Bazzichetto (Oderzo) for archery, Alex Boscariol (Oderzo) for handball, Vittorio Carnio (Casier) for rugby, Giorgio Casella (Cimadolmo) for figure skating, Andrea Cervi (Montebelluna) for aeronautics, Eleonora De Marchi (Castelfranco Veneto) for fencing, Angelo Esposito (Treviso) for rugby, Leonardo Feletto (Fontanelle) for athletics, Pasquale Fernandez (Conegliano) for weightlifting, Jessica Lucchetta (Pieve di Soligo) for orienteering, Alberto Makosa (ponte di Piave) for handball, Alex Marcuzzo (Oderzo) for handball, Manuel Marcuzzo (Oderzo) for handball, Riccardo Michieletto (Zero Branco) for rugby, Pierfrancesco Pasini (Povegliano) for dynamic shooting, Alessio Scaggiante (Casale sul Sile) for checkers, Alberto Sgarbi (Nervesa della Battaglia) for rugby, Riccardo Sica (Spresiano) for inline hockey, Denis Soverini (treviso) for aeronautics, enrico Venturato (Trevignano) for sport fishing, Lucia Zambiasi (Paese) for motorsports, and Anna Zanusso (Castelfranco Veneto) for golf.
While many awardees will be present to receive their honors, some, including Margherita Panziera (Montebelluna) for swimming, Nicola Recchia (Possagno) for motorcycling, Alberto Forato (Cavaso del Tomba) for motorcycling, Ginevra Gorin (Mogliano Veneto) for motorboating, and Sofia Pandolfo (Monfumo) for checkers, will be unable to attend and will receive their Bronze Medals at a later date.
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the prestigious CONI benemerenze awards ceremony!
It’s an honor to stand before you today in this lovely setting, the Auditorium of the Santa Caterina Church, to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our athletes, coaches, and sports organizations right here in treviso province. As a moderator with extensive experience in the field of sports, Miner has seen firsthand the dedication, passion, and perseverance required to excel in these competitive arenas [3].
Today, we recognize individuals who have not only pushed their own boundaries but have inspired us all with their commitment to excellence. Luigi Favarato, from our very own Treviso, will be presented with the Silver Star for Merit in Sport for his significant contributions to motorcycling. Luigi, we applaud your unwavering pursuit of greatness and your dedication to this thrilling sport.
Moreover, we celebrate the accomplishments of the Asd Sci Club Nottoli from Vittorio Veneto, whose tireless efforts have made a lasting impact on our sporting community.
This event is a testament to the vibrant spirit of sport that thrives in our province.It wouldn’t be possible without the tireless efforts of our local authorities, federation presidents, delegates, mayors, and institutional representatives who have dedicated themselves to nurturing our athletic community. Your presence here today speaks volumes about your commitment to honoring these exceptional individuals.
Let us now take this chance to highlight their stories,celebrate their achievements,and be inspired by their journeys.