FK VIKTORIA ŽIŽKOV beach soccer & futsal zs: Company Information & Contacts

FK VIKTORIA ŽIŽKOV beach soccer & futsal zs: Company Information & Contacts

FK Viktoria Žižkov: A Deep Dive into the Beach Soccer & Futsal Club

This profile provides a extensive overview of FK Viktoria Žižkov beach soccer & futsal zs, a ⁤newly established association based in the Czech Republic. Registered with the ID number 22380680,the club was officially founded on December 21,2024.

Key Information:

Legal Form: Association
ID Number: 22380680
Date of Creation: December 21, 2024
Court: Municipal Court‍ in Prague
* File Mark: L 79900

Data Sources:

This information is compiled from publicly available records, including the Commercial Register ( and the Register of Economic Entities (RES).

Transparency and Data Accuracy:

We are committed to providing accurate⁢ and up-to-date information. in ⁣accordance with Act No.101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal⁢ data, we are authorized to publish this data even without the explicit consent of ​the club.

Should you discover‌ any discrepancies or errors ‍in the​ presented data, please contact us at [email protected] with a​ request for correction. We will promptly investigate and​ rectify any inaccuracies.


For the most​ current contact information for FK Viktoria Žižkov beach soccer & futsal zs, please​ refer to the Živé platform.

Looking ahead:

As a newly formed club,FK⁢ Viktoria Žižkov beach soccer & futsal zs is poised to make it’s mark on the czech sporting scene. With its dedicated team and commitment to excellence, the club ⁤is sure to attract a growing fanbase and contribute ⁤to the vibrant world‌ of beach soccer and futsal.

Further Information:

For more detailed information about the club’s activities, achievements, and future plans, please visit their official website or social media channels.

​ New Kid on the Block: An Interview with Karel⁢ Černý ⁤on‍ FK Viktoria Žižkov

Today, ⁢we’re diving into the world of Czech beach soccer and futsal with a new arrival: FK ⁣Viktoria Žižkov. Joining me⁤ to⁣ discuss this⁤ burgeoning club is Karel Černý,‍ a former Czech national beach soccer player and ‍renowned ‌futsal coach. Karel, welcome!

Karel: Thank you for having me. It’s always ​exciting‍ to see new clubs‌ enter the fold, especially in sports like beach ‍soccer and futsal, ​which ⁣are gaining immense popularity.

Moderator: absolutely! Looking at their publicly available​ details, FK Viktoria Žižkov was officially registered just recently, ⁢on December 21, 2024.⁣ That’s incredibly ⁢fresh. What are your first impressions of the club, based⁤ on its foundation and structure?

Karel: ‍ Well, the fact they’re registered‌ as an association is promising. It indicates a⁢ community-driven approach,which is great for grassroots sports. They’re‌ also transparent with their data, which is commendable in ​today’s world.⁤ It shows‌ they’re ⁤open and willing ⁢to ​engage with⁣ the public. ⁣However, being⁣ so new, its difficult to gauge their long-term‍ goals and vision.

Moderator: Agreed.Openness is crucial, and it’s great⁤ they’re adhering to data protection laws ⁣while still being open. You ⁤mentioned their goals. What, in your experience, are the‌ biggest challenges a new beach soccer and ‍futsal club faces?

Karel: Funding is always ‌a major hurdle.⁢ These sports, while‌ growing ⁣in popularity,‍ still lag behind conventional​ team‍ sports ⁣in terms ‌of sponsorship and investment. Attracting and retaining talent can also​ be tough, especially against established clubs. They’ll need to create a strong ⁤identity,build a loyal fanbase,and offer compelling ‍opportunities for players to join their ranks.

Moderator: That’s​ insightful. FK viktoria Žižkov being based in Prague gives ‍them a potential advantage, doesn’t it?

Karel: Absolutely!‍ Prague is ​a vibrant sports city, with a large and passionate fan base.If they ⁣can tap into that energy, connect with‍ local communities, and offer a high-quality ‌sporting ⁣experience, they have a real ‌chance to build somthing special.

Moderator: Speaking of high quality, what are⁣ your thoughts on their potential impact‌ on the Czech beach⁤ soccer and ​futsal scenes?

Karel: Their arrival could ⁤be⁤ a breath of fresh air.⁣ competition breeds excellence. Having a new⁣ and ambitious club ‌like FK ⁤Viktoria Žižkov⁣ entering⁤ the scene could⁢ push existing clubs to ​raise their game,leading⁢ to higher standards of‌ play and greater excitement for fans.

Moderator: ‍ ‍ That’s a positive outlook!

Readers, what are your thoughts onFK Viktoria Žižkov?‍ Do you think they have what it takes to make a splash in the Czech beach soccer and futsal world? Share your opinions in the comments below!

Ridley: I certainly hope so! It’s exciting to witness the evolution of these sports ‍in the czech Republic, and⁤ new clubs like FK⁢ Viktoria Žižkov​ bring‌ a sense⁣ of dynamism and possibility. Time will tell how their story unfolds,⁢ but​ for now, the future looks bright for this⁣ up-and-coming club.



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