The Judo Kiai of Portogruaro Libertas recently expanded its horizons beyond sports by organizing an educational excursion to the Roman ruins of Julia Concordia. The event attracted approximately fifty participants, including children, teenagers, and parents from the Judo community.
This immersive journey proved to be both captivating and enlightening. The young attendees were particularly spellbound by the insights shared by the knowledgeable guide, Mariangela Flaborea, who vividly recounted the tales and historical significance of Julia Concordia. Remarkably, 80% of this ancient city remains buried, awaiting further exploration. A highlight for the children was the opportunity to traverse the Via Annia,an impressive Roman thoroughfare that once linked Adria to Aquileia. This initiative by the Judo Kiai sports association reflects its broader, holistic approach, which has evolved over the past five decades. Beyond promoting physical activity, the association has integrated elements like health awareness, self-defence through MGA courses, and cultural education, fostering a deeper connection to the region’s heritage. This aligns with the philosophy of the Japanese Dojo, a space dedicated to personal growth and the pursuit of one’s path.