Tessa Wullaert frustrated after new 2nd place: “I would like to know why” | Golden Boot

Golden Boot“>Tessa Wullaert broke a lot of goals and assist records at Anderlecht last year, but that was not enough to convince the jury. “1 or 10 points difference, it doesn’t matter. 2nd is 2nd. I am very disappointed, just like last year.”

Then she lost to Tine De Caigny, now to Janice Cayman. “And I say the same now as I did then: I just keep going. My performance and statistics are there, they can’t be changed. If I try even better, maybe I can win the Golden Boot again?”

“I have nothing to blame myself. Ultimately it is a subjective decision of the jury, which does not turn out in my favor today. Why? I would also like to know on the basis of which I finished 2nd. But I will never know that Maybe it’s to my disadvantage that I’ve already won 3 times, although I shouldn’t.”



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