Alicante (Spain): a 17-year-old Algerian breaks into the home of an 80-year-old woman, then strangles her, rapes her, hits her with a baseball bat and steals her personal belongings

Spain – The national police arrested in Alicante a mena (unaccompanied foreign minor) of Algerian nationality, who allegedly robbed, beat and raped an 80-year-old woman in her home.

The victim was surprised in the early hours of the morning by her attacker, who broke into the house to rob her. Once inside the house, the migrant allegedly grabbed her by the neck, strangling her and beating her on the head until she was defenseless in order to rape her. He then stole his mobile phone, his wallet containing documents and various jewels, before fleeing.

(…) The police found a bloody baseball bat in a dumpster in front of the old lady’s house. (…) The young Algerian, seeing the police, jumped over a wall to try to hide, but he was identified by the security forces: he was carrying the woman’s mobile phone, documents and jewelry. assaulted. Police are now investigating whether he may have been involved in other similar acts, given the violence of his actions.




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