ball | Couples Championship: Iker Irribarria erases the leaders from the map (7-22)

Iker Irribarria hits the ball this afternoon at the Aitzuri fronton in Zumaia. / Jose Maria Lopez

The one from Arama scores ten goals and together with a solid Rezusta they go over Elezkano II and Zabaleta in Zumaia

Benat Barreto

Iker Irribarria declared during the choice of material that “I haven’t been right at key moments.” Well, the one from Arama yesterday took off his bag of errors to execute a real exhibition of play and auction to go over the leaders and current champions. Some people forget that the striker has two Manomanistas and a Parejas. Far from his best level in recent years, of course, yesterday he showed at Zumaia’s Aitzuri that he is a ballplayer like the top of a pine tree. Alone, although well accompanied by a confident and resolute Rezusta, crushed Elezkano II, desperate, and Zabaleta, failed after signing one of his worst games in years. He could not be that dominant and punching defender after the Gipuzkoan couple took him to the limit with balls that reached the twelve squares of the Aitzuri, a fronton longer than a day without bread.

The first goal was a full-fledged spoiler. Luck provided that Irribarria had the first serve. Zabaleta responded with difficulty with a simple delivery, while another late ball from Arama’s ended in a mistake by the Navarrese. The ball was to go after it bounced in the five, but Zabaleta dropped it from his hands. The four pelotaris tried their hand at it, but the champions soon realized that it was not going to be their afternoon. Elezkano missed the 1-3 with a hook to the plate and the 1-4 was a misunderstanding between the two. The Biscayan missed a shot from Irribarria and Zabaleta didn’t even go looking for it, while Rezusta resolved the 3-5 with a brilliant ball wide. At 3-6 Irribarria finished an unattainable tight hook. They were driving them crazy.



  • Game time:
    46 minutes and 24 seconds.

  • Balls to good:

  • Serving points:
    Elezkano, 0. Smile, 0.

  • Serve faults:
    Elezkano, 1. Smile, 1.

  • So many at stake:
    Elezkano, 2. Zabaleta, 1. Irribarria, 10. Rezusta, 3.

  • So many lost:
    Elezkano, 3. Zabaleta, 5. Irribarria, 3. Rezusta, 0.

  • Marker:
    0-1, 1-1, 1-4, 3-4, 3-6, 4-6, 4-15, 5-15, 5-17, 7-17 and 7-22.

  • Exit odds:
    100 to 80 in favor of Elezkano and Zabaleta. 60 to 100 below.

  • Incidents:
    All the paper available in the Aitzuri de Zumaia was sold. The restrictions by Covid limited the capacity to register 411 spectators.

Then came two decisive plays. Irribarria fell short on serve at 3-6 while, after another mistake by Zabaleta Elezkano, he collided with Irribarria, preventing him from passing. There was a return due to a clear hindrance and the match ended. From 4-6 with Arama’s lack of serve, it went to 4-15. The leaders fell abruptly. The blues began to add so many. Irribarria drew a superb two walls, Rezusta finished behind forcing Zabaleta to respond unsuccessfully from twelve, the striker made a save in the txoko deceiving Elezkano… A clinic. Irribarria failed at 5-15 after his base went down, but Elezkano gave an impossible reaction. His serve bounced in the three and a half, very far from the four, so that the blues reached the sixteenth card while Zabaleta put his hands to his head.

a wonderful defense

Although Irribarria was perfect in attack, finishing with ten goals –Rezusta scored three–, Arama’s man was amazingly fast on his legs. If the script announced an Elezkano entangling Irribarria in the front frames, the opposite happened. The roguery of the Biscayan did not despair the Gipuzkoan, who failed 6-17 after making a category defense. Rezusta was forced to launch himself on a plate to make good a drop shot by Elezkano, who delayed the ball up to four times. At the third, Irribarria, from seven and a half, pushed himself with his left leg on the wall to make a monstrous jump, taking a good hit that should have been as much. Absolutely incredible.

  • The day (9th)

  • Urrutikoetxea-Aranguren 17 Laso-Ander Imaz 22

  • Elezkano II-Zabaleta 7 Irribarria-Rezusta 22

  • Altuna III-Martija 18 Ezkurdia-Tolosa 22

  • Today, Ogueta de Vitoria (17.00, ETB1)

  • Jaka-Mariezkurrena II / Peña II-Albisu

  • PAREJAS J G P +/- PT

  • 1
    Elezkano II-Zabaleta 9 7 2 +40 7

  • 2
    Laso-Imaz 9 6 3 +27 6

  • 3
    Smile-Resume 9 5 4 +27 5

  • 4
    Altuna III-Martija 9 5 4 -17 5

  • 5
    Urrutikoet.-Aranguren 9 4 5 -7 4

  • 6
    Peña II-Albisu 8 3 5 -11 3

  • 7
    Jaka-Mariezkurrena II 8 3 5 -16 3

  • 8
    Ezkurdia-Tolosa 9 2 7 -43 2

  • Next round (10th)

  • Friday 21, Izarraitz de Azpeitia (22.00, ETB1)

  • Urrutikoetxea-Aranguren / Jaka-Mariezkurrena II

  • Saturday 22, Markina (17.15, ETB1?)

  • Laso-Ander Imaz/Peña II-Albisu

  • Saturday 22, Labrit de Pamplona (17.15, ETB1?)

  • Altuna III-Martija / Elezkano II-Zabaleta

  • Sunday 23, Bizkaia de Bilbao (5:00 p.m., ETB1)

  • Ezkurdia-Tolosa / Irribarria-Rezusta


  • Parejas J G P +/- P

  • 1
    Bakaikoa-Elizegi 9 8 1 +65 8

  • 2
    Salaberria-Erostarbe 9 7 2 +59 7

  • 3
    Zabala-Oier Etxebarria 9 4 5 +9 4

  • 4
    Zubizarreta III-Eskiroz 8 4 4 -7 4

  • 5
    Victor-Gaskue 9 4 5 -21 4

  • 6
    Alberdi-Uriondo 9 3 6 -9 3

  • 7
    Larrazabal-Salaverri II 8 3 5 -22 3

  • 8
    Egiguren V-Untoria 9 2 7 -74 2

The Colorados ended up taking the goal after 28 balls, but the match was seen for sentence. Irribarria finished alone with the leaders. A wide opening, a beautiful volley that hit the wall, a deception by Rezusta and a wonderful save in the Irribarria txoko looking at Elezkano finished off an exhibition by the blues, who are approaching the noble positions of the classification. Irribarria, it’s good that you came back.




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