Baseball diamond, “another 3.3 million recovered for the redevelopment of the plant” – BlogSicilia – Local politics

The baseball diamond may shine again. The will is this. The national 5-star deputy Adriano Varrica announced the recovery of another 3.3 million euros for the redevelopment of the plant that has become one abandoned desert cathedral after hosting the Universiade in 1997 and the World Cup in 1998.

The sum comes in addition to the planned loan of 1.3 million

Varrica underlines how “In recent months I have built a path through which today I can announce the recovery of 3.3 million euros to supplement the already planned loan of 1.3 million euros for the renovation of the baseball facility in via dell ‘Olympus. Unfortunately, those sums were not sufficient for an overall redevelopment of the plant and this step should enable us to proceed with the definition of the design and the works “. It would therefore be 4.6 million euros to redevelop the structure that in recent years it has become a symbol of decay.

“Now it is possible to finance further interventions with the NRP”

The pentastellato deputy continues: “On sports facilities we now have the possibility to finance further interventions within the Integrated Urban Plans of the Pnrr. I have extended to the Municipality of Palermo to take this opportunity to insert the funds necessary to complete the interventions in the same citadel of sport (which includes the baseball diamond), the municipal swimming pool, the renovation of the Renda allo Sperone gym and the construction of a skatepark and at least one state-of-the-art parkour park “.

And he concludes: “The relaunch of the suburbs and the city also passes through sports facilities and the possibility for young people in the fifth city of Italy to practice activities that today are in fact precluded and which instead would also be an element of attraction for events and the economy “.

The courthouse skateboarding track closed

In mid-November 2021, the Court’s skatepark in Palermo closed its doors. Coime operators place delimitation barriers around the area, making it inaccessible to the public.

At the basis of the decision, there would be safety problems regarding the play system and its architectural elements. It will therefore be necessary to renovate, although this may not be the only change that will affect the structure and its visitors.

Possible new headquarters at the Foro Italico or at the Fair

A situation that makes it necessary to renovate and restore the structure. Once the works are completed, however, the structure could be transferred to another location. Among the ideas under consideration by the councilor there would be that of arranging the skatepark at the Foro Italico. An area that has greater appeal for young people, also lending itself from a scenographic point of view. But, in addition to the opportunity dictated by purely landscape reasons, there would also have been complaints from the residents of the area, disturbed by the noise caused by the skaters.

But, there would also be a possible alternative at no cost to the administration. Through a confrontation between the commissioner Petralia and the users of the skatepark, there would be the concrete possibility of transferring the facility to an area identified at the Mediterranean Fair. In these hours, the Reset operators should carry out an inspection to verify the feasibility of the operation.

The urban suburbs program

The deputy from Palermo wants to relaunch the urban suburbs program and among the objectives there are also those of the creation of equipped public green spaces in the Marinella district in Tommaso Natale, the completion of via Diana and opening of the outlet on via Rosciglione (Partanna-Mondello), the social inclusion project “Citizenship and city” (Zen), the social inclusion project “Towards a resilient territory” (Zen). As well as the re-functionalization of the confiscated buildings in via Lanza di Scalea and in via F. Di Roberto in order to locate the Carabinieri barracks (Zen) and Realization of the connection between via Aiace, Palinuro and Mondello (Partanna-Mondello).

The Diamond article of baseball, “another 3.3 million recovered for the redevelopment of the plant” – BlogSicilia was written on 2022-01-17 16:56:26 by Redazione and was published on

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Read everything r n r nThe Diamond article of baseball, “another 3.3 million recovered for the redevelopment of the plant ” – BlogSicilia u00e8 written on 2022-01-17 16:56:26 by Redazione ed It has been published on “,” author “: {” @ type “:” Person “,” name “:” admin “,” url “:” https: / / / author / local policy / “,” sameAs “:[“”,””,”″]},”articleSection”:[“Comune di Palermo”],”publisher”:{“@type”:”Organization”,”name”:””,”url”:””,”logo”:{“@type”:”ImageObject”,”url”:””},”sameAs”:[“”,””,””,””]}}



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